Being Hopeful

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Opening the front door I was welcomed by the smell of a home made roast. I'd spent hours at Leo's talking over everything, but as it began to get dark outside I knew it was time to come home and face my parents. I knew they'd be worried, and all I wanted was to get in my pyjamas and climb into bed.

The roasted chicken was cooking in the oven, condensation trickling down the large window above the sink in our kitchen. Mum had designed this kitchen herself, choosing everything from the floor and cupboard door handles seemed like the sort of decision that would affect the entire world. My mum loved cooking, I wish I had a love for something the way she does but sadly nothing has ever captured my heart the way following recipes did with her.

Since we met my step-dad he has always made sure we have everything we ever could've wished for, and when I look back I'd hate to think of where we would be now if he hadn't of come into our lives. He made mine and mums life so much better, and he's always treated me as if I was his own.

"Thank god, I've been worrying sick about you missy." Mum scolded, her red hair matched her rosy cheeks as she lean't across the stove carefully examining all the vegetables boiling.

"You should of heard her! I told her you would be fine. Where have you been?" Sam appeared in the door way, smiling away as usual. His black hair framed his face, and even though he had constant bags under his eyes from work – he always looked happy.

I smiled feeling grateful for such caring parents, "I was at a friends, I'm fine guys. No need to worry."

"We worry because we care. I've got your favourite cooking, why don't you get changed and come join us for some dinner darling?" Mum was in her happy place, Sam was always his happiest on a Sunday as that was his one day off. But I felt the opposite, I've forgotten the last time I felt somewhat happy.

"No thanks, I'm not very hungry. I'm just going to go get into bed."

Mum and Sam looked at one another, speaking in their own eye contact language as usual. I wasn't sure how they done it, but somehow they always knew what each other were thinking. It must be a marriage gift, or something that just comes instinctively when you fall in love. I'd always wondered why I was unable to do that with Luke, but it all made sense now. We weren't in love.

"That's not like you to turn down food!" Sam chuckled, sitting down at the dining table to read the newspaper.

"I'm just not in the mood guys, I'm sorry. I'll see you in the morning."

Not letting them get in another word I ran for the stairs, hopping up each step until I got to my bedroom. My double bed was set up in the corner of the room, freshly made brown striped sheets now placed upon it. I made a mental note to thank my mum in the morning for the kind gesture, nothing beats getting into fresh seats after a long hard day.

The walls in my room were painted an off cream, complimenting the light brown carpet on the floor. I spent ages planning my new room a few months ago, I figured a fresh start would be what I needed but I should of known a spruce of paint and new bed sheets would never erase the horrific things that had happened between these four walls.

I took off my dress and chucked it in the metal basket, ensuring it would end up in the rubbish tip. I didn't need it anymore, nor did I want the reminder of what the fabric contained. Sighing, I pulled my Christmas pyjamas on and snuggled into bed. It was the middle of the summer, but I didn't care. Christmas was my favourite time of the year, and wearing my polar bear PJ's reminded me of a better time.

I wish I was happy, I thought I would be after telling Leo the truth. Relived? Yes. Happy? No.

Nobody sees depression, it's just there – clinging onto you until you have no life left in your soul. It wraps around you, drowning you until you have nothing left. Life becomes a struggle, and as each day goes by it gets harder and harder to even get out of bed in the morning. Everybody around you seems happy, and you laugh along with them just so you fit in. But on the inside you're screaming, begging for help. Hoping someone will soon save you from the black shadow that is slowly killing you from the inside to out.

My iPad buzzed on my dresser, reminding me that I had to find my phone or buy a new one. Wiping the tears away from my lashes, I read the message.

Hi Grace, it's Leo. I hope you're okay, I get today must have been really tough but you have to know I am so proud of you. You're a strong and amazing woman, and I'm glad I met you. I'm always here a text or call away, and if you fancy it we could do something soon the two of us? A movie maybe? - L xx

My lips slowly tugged into a smile, I couldn't believe it. He thought I was strong? Amazing? Is he sure he is talking about the same Grace I know? I quickly typed a reply, hoping he'd always be around me.

Hi Leo, thank you for listening today, you are a true friend. I'm glad I met you too, I feel like I can tell you everything and you'd never judge me. Movie sounds good. - G x

It wasn't long before the device vibrated once again, and my stomach flipped with butterflies.

Have you had a chance to think about things? - L x

Had a chance? I'd thought non stop about all of the many things Leo and I had spoken about earlier on in the day. I was replying super quick, but then again so was he.

I'm going to tell him tomorrow that we're over. I can't do this anymore Leo, I can't cope with it. - G x

Leo took longer to reply this time, each minute that passed made me more nervous. I wanted to leave Luke, and I couldn't do it alone. I'd need help, someone to protect me and be there for me.

Your not telling him that alone, if he hits you for no reason imagine the extent he could go to if he knows you're leaving him. Let me know when and where and I'll be there by your side, I'm not letting him hurt you again Grace. He'll have to go through me first. - L x

I read his text over and over again, it was overwhelming how much Leo really cared for me. If Leo was by my side, it would be easy to tell Luke it was over. He'd never do anything in front of another person, and on the off chance he did Leo would be right there to help. Luke needed therapy, and he'd know by me leaving him that what he's been doing is wrong. I couldn't cope with it anymore, the emotional and physical abuse – it was slowly ripping me apart to nothing.

It would be hard leaving him, but I had my friends and family round to help me and that was reassuring. I felt myself slowly drifting into a deep slumber, feeling hopeful about the future; free and happy without Luke controlling it. My dreams full of laughter, wearing pretty dresses, going out on the weekends, and making lots of new friends.

All sweet, simple dreams that Leo had given me hope to come true.


So Grace is thinking about leaving Luke!
- What do you think she should do?
- Do you think she should trust Leo to help her? ❤️

- For your boyfriend/girlfriend to humiliate you in public.
- For your boyfriend/girlfriend to force you into something you are not okay with doing.
- For your boyfriend/girlfriend to call you ugly/unattractive.
- For your boyfriend/girlfriend to say that nobody will ever love you they way they love you.
- For your boyfriend/girlfriend to force you to choose between them and your friends.
- For your boyfriend/girlfriend to control you.
- For your boyfriend/girlfriend to make you feel guilty for their anger!

Do not suffer in silence.

Speak to somebody.

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