My Sunshine On a Rainy Day

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Leo's POV

Liam's house was bigger than I expected, straight through the front door was the kitchen; bright and homely. It seemed like a safe haven, Grace's safe house compared to when she was living at home. The fridge was plastered in drawings, presumably done by a younger child. Scribbled family portraits, and multi coloured rainbows; instantly making the rooms amongst the bricks, a home.

The faint smell of cigarettes filled the air, along with freshly cooked lasagne; a strange combination of scents. The white walls in the living room were empty, photo hooks abandoned and lonely. Grace had told me Liam's parents had divorced, obviously it had hit his father hard emotionally to remove remnants of his marriage.

Hunter began to climb the stairs, the beautifully polished oak staircase creaked with each step he took. I'd never spoken to Hunter alone, so I found our walk back from school earlier peculiar. We'd never of been the best of friends, but all of a sudden he'd seemed closed off. Whether that was because of the events with Grace, or other reasons I had no idea and I didn't care. I was here for Grace, nobody else.

As we reached the top of the stairs, the sight of Liam standing behind a white door knocking ever so gentle with his knuckles became clear. He pressed his ear against the wooden door, beginning to whisper.

"Grace, please come out. I'm worried about you." Liam delicately said, scrunching his eyes shut almost as if he was wishing for a miracle.

Hunter rushed towards him, wrapping his arms around him in a big man hug. I stood back watching, staying away from the best friend bond the two of them shared.

"Still no luck?" Hunter asked, making me roll my eyes in bewilderment over how he could ask such a stupid question.

"Nope, she's said nothing and not left at all today." Liam sighed, sinking to the floor.

Purple bags circled his eyes, and a duvet was laid down across the landing. He had clearly been sleeping outside of the bedroom door for god knows how long, trying his best to protect the girl who locked herself inside. He looked completely exhausted, drained and depressed. Liam had been trying his hardest, and I couldn't help but think Grace was lucky to have such amazing friends.

"Well, let me have a go. I'll try talk to her." I stepped towards the door, indicating for Liam and Hunter to move out of the way.

"Good luck mate, if you get through to her I will buy you free lunches for a month." Liam laughed, his eyes beginning to dampen through his dry, sleepless eyes.

"We'll go downstairs, and leave you to it." Hunter suggested, putting his arm around Liam and walking towards the staircase.

I flitted towards the door, and the carpet. Wondering what to do first; sit and figure out what to say or to just speak straight from the heart. Honestly, what can you say in these sort of situations? Never before have I had to speak to somebody through a plank of wood, and try to convince them to come back outside to civilisation.

Gently I knocked on the door, mimicking Liam's earlier action. I could almost picture Grace on the other side, getting pissed off with all of us fussing over her and never giving her a moments peace.

"Grace it's me, Leo. Please let me in, I'm on my own."

Nothing. No reply. Zilch.

I sighed, deciding to continue. "I get your pissed, I mean I can't blame you. You feel like the justice system has failed you, and you're scared. Locking yourself away in this room isn't going to solve that, we're all here to protect you. I'm here for you, I always have been."

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