To Love and To Be Loved

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As we pulled up to Jackson's house, I could barely hear the taxi driver's voice over the loud thumps of the music. After a while I gave up, handing him £30 and demanding he kept the change.  When my eyes locked on the front door, every bone in my body tightened leaving me unable to walk. My mind was telling me to run down the street, to get as far away from this place as possible but in my heart I knew I had to do this. If not for myself, for Olivia. 

For Olivia and Liam.

I was going to get them two together tonight, if it killed me.

My anxiety had always let me down, parties and meeting new people were not my forte. Years ago before I met Luke, I attended house parties each weekend with Aby and I used to do the whole pre drinks thing myself just to knock the edge off, so by the time I actually got to the party I had no nerves left to push away. But this time, my chest was clenched and my stomach churned at the thought of all the people, the strangers that awaited me behind the oak door. 

"You can do this Grace, I know you can." Olivia took my hand in hers, gripping onto it for dear life.

As we jolted towards the door, my body sprang back into life oozing with adrenaline.  Just as Olivia reached to turn the knob, it opened; Cal stood smirking on the other side. 

"Oh look what the cat dragged in." He smirked, "A massive piece of trash." 

"That's enough Cal. Seriously man, when are you gonna accept she's my girlfriend?" Luke appeared behind him, placing his hands on Cal's back before shoving him forward slightly.

Cal tried to regain his balance, but failed crashing right into me. As I fell back I put my hands out behind me, ready to take the impact of the fall. My eyes slammed shut, preparing for my body to make contact with the concrete.

"I've got you Grace!" I suddenly felt two arms wrap around me, my body inches away from the ground.

That beautiful, consoling voice was detectable anywhere.

"That's the third time you've been clumsy round me, you need to be more careful." Leo said sternly, "One of these days, I won't be here to catch you when you fall." He smirked, taking my breath away.

"Oh yeah? Will that be when your too busy putting gherkins on your garlic bread?" I asked, before both of us began to burst into laughter.

Leo stood up smiling, his palm open as he reached down to me. As I took his soft hand in mine, a shocking current soured through my veins; an inch of optimism blossomed inside of me. 

In sync, we dropped hands; eyes wide from the unfamiliar feeling. 

"Who the hell are you?" Luke appeared beside me, clutching his fingers round mine. 

Leo flickered between Luke and I, then down to our hands that were now held together in unison. 

"Leo King."

"Never seen you around before." Luke scowled, trailing Leo up and down in an attempt to read him inside and out.

I stared down at Leo's clothes, noticing how he had changed his outfit after class. A black t-shirt now clung tightly round his biceps, paired with light blue jeans and black trainers. Leo was hot, and any girl who disagreed with that would have to be clinically insane. 

"That would be because I am new round here." Leo chuckled, Luke's rudeness didn't affect him in the slightest.

"Are you alright Grace?" Leo asked, not breaking eye contact with Luke; not even for a second.

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