Nothing Will Ever Be The Same Again

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Angelic lights surrounded me, along with relaxing soft voices in the near distance. Everything was blurry. I blinked once, and again my eyes eventually adjusting to the room. Within seconds of realising I had fallen unconscious, I shot up in bed.


How the hell did I get in a bed? 

"Shhh, it's okay Grace. Try and get some rest." A figure appeared beside me, crystal blue orbs glistened igniting the darkness of the room.

"L-Leo?" I croaked, my head began to pound, as if there was a toothache in my brain. My stomach began to churn, along with a burning sensation as if the alcohol was going to come back up again.

"I think you had a panic attack, so I carried you upstairs. But don't worry you're okay." He whispered, his hand rested on my shoulder. Sparks escalated up my arm, my heart rate increasing just like all the all other times his skin had brushed against mine. 

"How did you know I was having a panic attack?" I questioned, Leo lean't over me propping a pillow up on the headboard. 

Leo shrugged, "My sister used to have them. But I don't think the fact your wearing loads of layers in the middle of the hot summer helped the situation. I think it was a mixture of a panic attack, and your body temperature being so high." 

I lifted my knees to my face, resting my chin on the caps. Shivers travelled down my body, goose bumps covering the bruises on my thighs underneath my jeans. Leo's the first person to comment, the first person to notice that I was wearing a long sleeved top and jeans during the summer months. Although British weather is completely unpredictable, today had been a scorching summers day and even I knew anybody that wore jeans and a t shirt in the muggy evening would have to be crazy. 

Leo stared me at contently, his bubbling blue eyes illuminating his perfectly shaped face. His blonde hair was messy, strands fallen down across his forehead damp from what I could only assume was sweat from the party.

"I'm sorry, if I ruined your night. Last thing you probably want to be doing is looking after someone like me." I spoke softly, not breaking eye contact. His eyes were to beautiful, to enchanting to not look at.

I'd only known this boy for a few days, but the presence I felt when he was around me was unbearable. Something I had never experienced before in my life, it made me feel alive. I could physically feel the warmth of my blood under my skin, pumping quickly through my veins. Bubbling towards my heart, making it pump faster but still maintaining at a healthy speed.

Leo chuckled before he said, "Don't be silly Grace. This parties pretty dead anyway, I wanted to make sure you were okay." As his caring words escaped his small lips he smiled, how is it possible that something so small, so simple made me feel so relaxed and full inside?

"Do you want me to come with you to find your boyfriend?" Leo asked as he stood up, brushing his hands down his clothes straightening them out.



He would be furious, enraged if he'd been looking for me and couldn't find me. I jumped up, the room spun slightly from my sudden movement. My body wasn't ready, prepared even for movement; but I had to move – I needed to find him.

Within seconds, Leo's arms were wrapped round my waist holding me upright. "Slow down! You'll hurt yourself Mrs Clumsy." He chuckled, helping me back onto the bed.

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