The Truth Always Comes Out

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The hot water dripped down my body, trickling over the fresh purple welts that now covered my stomach. My entire body was a mess; a human punching bag. I grabbed the coconut shower gel, and rubbed it over me relishing the refreshing scent. The bubbles travelled down my legs, before swirling down the plug hole – all remains of last night slowly washing away.

Steam began to thicken in the room, misting over the large circular mirror above the sink. The bathroom was small, but cosy; each hair product lined up neatly on the shelf beside the shower head. Each wall had been painted a pastel blue, and hung on the far end wall was a picture of a line of multicoloured beach huts by the seaside.

Before all this, the memories of the beach and the seaside use to make me fill with happiness. But the carefree days of my childhood were long gone, and replaced with endless days of dread.

Blonde hairs on my arms and legs stood straight like pins as my body exited the warm water, I quickly hopped out wrapping the cotton towel round my bare body. Getting out of the shower was the one thing I hated, being cold for those few moments made me want to stay underneath the shower forever.

Showers always instantly refresh me, making me feel as if I am a new glorified clean person. But I knew once I stood out of this room I had to speak to Leo – the question was whether to tell him the truth or to lie once again to another good friend of mine.

On the positive side telling Leo could lead to me getting help, it could be a means of escape – a way to finally leave the abuse. But then the consequences of telling Leo about Luke could be more gruesome than ever, possibly leading to Luke's worst outburst yet.

After putting on my underwear I unlocked the bolt, the door to the bathroom opening allowing a chilly breeze to brush across my bare legs. I double checked the towel was secured tightly around me before taking tiny, gentle steps down the hallway.


"I'm in here!" He shouted from a room at the bottom of the narrow lit hallway.

Each wall was showered in more family portraits, portraying the image of Leo's tight knit family once again. Wedding photos of his parents covered one wall, and first birthday party photos on another. If Leo hadn't of told me any different, I would of believed everything was fine – kind of like everyone does with me. I guess everybody has their secrets.

Once I reached the door I noticed Leo sprawled on a king size bed that was placed directly against the far back  wall, my eyes widened at the images plastered over the paint. More photographs; landscapes, beaches, portraits, flowers – anything and everything Leo had stuck on his walls.

"I took them all myself, do you like them?" Leo spoke, pulling me out of my trance.

"Y-Yes they're all so beautiful." I replied, focusing on one photo in particular. His younger sister Lucy, smiling in a field of daisies – her bright blue eyes standing out just like her brothers.

"Are you taking Art for A Levels because these would be great pieces?" I asked, turning round towards him.

His face sank slightly before replying, "No. My parents wanted me to a proper subject, not Art."

"You shouldn't do what your parents want you to do, you should do what you want to do."

It's funny how I can't even take my own advice.

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