My Knight in Shining Armour

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Also want to say a BIG thank you to GreenAtlas for my new cover! I love it!


"I swear if you ever go near her again, you will have me to deal with!" Leo warned, his forearm forced against Luke's throat removing the ability for him to breathe.

I shuddered, just moments ago that was me – a split second away from losing my life. For once the tables were turned - Luke was shaking with fear, and as wrong as it is I actually felt happy that he was finally getting a taste of his own medicine, and boy did it feel sweet.

It took every ounce of strength I had left to push myself off the dirty floor, and take tiny steps towards a huffed Leo. His muscular shoulders stanced back in a protective manner, and his breaths seemed deeper than normal. This was wrong, a part of me still loved Luke somewhere deep down and seeing him suffer just would eventually lead to me suffering too. I had to stop this, stop Leo from hurting him. After all, two wrongs don't make a right.

"Leo stop!" I screamed, grabbing his bicep and pulling him back. 

As our skin gently brushed together, his posture relaxed. Each panted breath that escaped his lips, slowly turned back to normal. He wasn't completely calm, but it was close enough. 

"Men like you make me sick, how can you live with yourself knowing you hit a girl?"  Leo retorted, his eyes narrowing into Luke's.

My eyes connected with Luke's pools of charcoal, wanting and hoping for an answer – some form of explanation as to why he'd put me through all of this. But he stood quiet, wordless proving he was a coward who could not face up to his own actions. He didn't even have the balls to apologise, yet alone explain himself to Leo. 

Leo grabbed my hand before whispering, "Come on, let's get you out of here and checked over by the nurse." 

My whole body ruptured with tingles as Leo wound my arm over his shoulders, gently holding me up so I could walk. 

"Grace please," Luke's regretful voice filled the air, "Please don't leave me." 

In that moment I could of chose to turn around and walk back to him, forgive him all over again. But that would of once again continued the vicious cycle of the abuse. The endless circle that began with apologies and ended with them too. Each time he'd say sorry, but never truly mean it because if he did he wouldn't continue to behave the way he did. 

Leo held me tighter as I squeezed his hand, I wanted to be as far away from Luke as possible. I dreaded to think what would of happened if Leo hadn't of shown up, I could have been severely injured or maybe even dead. In that moment of spitefulness Luke didn't care about me, nor did he love me. He enjoyed seeing me suffer, seeing the sparkle slowly disintegrate from my eyes. 

For the sake of my own safety, I allowed my feet to continue walking away from him, away from his anger, violence and bad moods back towards the school. With each step my legs began to feel like jelly, Leo held onto me tighter as if he knew I was close to collapsing to the floor.

My heart shrivelled inside my chest as I began to realise I was walking away from the one person who had ever loved me, and stayed with me despite all my baggage. Luke had seen the good and the bad sides of me, but loved me despite my flaws. 

A massive part of me never wanted to leave him, but another part of me told me it was for the best. 


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