Nothing Lasts Forever

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Hunter and I were now sat in the school library together, I specifically chose this place so it would be physically impossible to talk to each other due to the strict no talking rule in here, but if you knew Hunter as well as I do, then you'd be familiar with the saying 'rules are made to be broken.'

"Are you ever going to tell me what was wrong back there?" Hunter whispered, his eyes fixated on the computer screen in front of him.

"How many times do I have to tell you, I don't want to talk about it!" I snapped, immediately feeling guilty. I didn't have the heart to tell him the truth.

How was I supposed to tell my best friend of seventeen years that my boyfriend despises how close we are, so I can't speak to him or see him anymore.

It would completely crush him.

After a few more attempts Hunter finally took the hint that talking was off the table, so we sat in silence for the remaining hour left of first period, which was a bonus for me considering I could crack on with my coursework with no distractions. The only noise filling the room was the light tapping of the compacted room of students typing on the keyboards, and for the first time in a long time, I was able to hear my own thoughts.

The small computer area was surrounded by never ending rows of neatly lined books with their spines facing outward. After six years of attending Frinston High, I knew the colour coded organisational system of books by heart. Each novel had a coloured circle on the side, indicating what genre they were. In the beginning of high school, I had little to no friends and I spent most of my lunch and breaks in this very room. It made me feel comfortable just to be surrounded by books. Somehow, they've always been my escape from my nightmare of a life.

As the bell rang indicating the beginning of first break, I jumped out of my seat and soared towards the door. I needed to find Luke, the guilt was killing me, I had to apologise for my behaviour earlier in English. One day Luke and I made a promise that we would always let each other know where we were at all times of the day. Even if we were in the same place, such as school; we'd text little updates about walking to lessons, or going to lunch. In the beginning Luke had kept his side of the promise, but now it only tends to be me that keeps him updated during the day.

A couple of months ago, I forgot to text Luke that I was going to lunch and he was furious, after his outburst I've always made sure to send him updates. I knew what would happen if I didn't.

I'd searched the majority of the school, which had taken me a good fifteen minutes considering how large the schools grounds are. I was just about to give up my man hunt when suddenly I saw him... with Aby?

What the hell.

A longing sparkle appeared in his eyes as they crawled down Aby's petite body, despite the distance between us; I knew exactly what was going through Luke's mind. I knew, and he knew my suspicions over his sexual feelings towards Aby had always been correct, but he'd told me time and time again I was being stupid, and that I was the only girl for him. It didn't take a genius to work out that he'd always fancied Aby, he couldn't make it any more obvious.

"Luke, I've been looking for you everywhere!" I say, his head shot round as he heard my voice.

"Well did it not occur to you that I didn't want you to find me Grace?" Luke shouted, as he turned round to face me. A pang hit my chest, as Aby's laugh filled the air around me.

"We need to talk, sort this out Luke. I didn't mean to annoy you earlier, I'm sorry." I apologised, pulling him away from Aby with his hand so we could talk privately.

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