I'm in Love With a Monster

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I finally reached the kitchen, zig zagging through sweaty bodies dancing. To say it was hot was an understatement, the room felt just like the sauna in my local gym. Considering the amount of people compacted in this house, it was no surprise how high the temperature of the room had risen.

The disco lights flickered, swaying from left to right to the beat of the music. But in the centre of the ceiling, a disco ball twirled round and round and shimmers of white circled round the walls of the room. Empty plastic cups and glass bottles laid deserted on the ceramic floor, and I instantly felt sorry for whoever had to clean all this up tomorrow morning. I frantically started searching the room for Liv, when a hand wrapped round my wrist tightly.

"Where the hell have you been?" Luke's pools of black were burning with embers, examining me up and down.

"I'm sorry, I-"

Before I could finish Luke dragged me along by my arm, almost pulling it out of it's socket. Pain shot through my radius towards my shoulder, my face remaining still; one of the things Luke had taught me was to never show pain in a public area.

The pain distracted me for a few moments as Luke continued to drag me through the rooms of the house, but as we approached the front door my heart began to thump in my chest. It felt as if my heart suddenly gained the ability to explode, my body wanted me to run as far away from him as possible; but even I know that there is no use in even trying. He wouldn't let me go, not now or ever.

I was stuck in his hold, just as much as I am stuck in this relationship for eternity. 

The muggy air skimmed my face as Luke led me round the side of Jackson's house, directly down an unlit alleyway. My stomach began to do flips, and nausea began to lift any alcohol I had consumed back up my throat. I knew what was coming, and there was no use to even try to prevent the inevitable.

"I'm not going to ask you again Grace, where the hell were you?" Luke snarled, shoving me back into the concrete wall. 

"I was talking to Olivia upstairs-" 

"Liar." Luke seethed, his eye's continuing to stay the usual petrifying black that consistently fill me with dread.

"I'm not lying-"

I saw it coming, but it didn't lessen the pain from the impact. His balled up fist made contact with my abdomen muscles, smashing into them like a freight train. My lack of breathe left me gasping, I doubled over my hand instantly rubbing the throbbing area. A tear began to roll down my cheek, as I fell to my knees a loud crack filled the air. I wasn't sure which bone, but one was definitely broken. 

When my body finally fell to the cold ground, instinctively I curled into a ball and tucked my arms round my skull. If he was going to kick me, this time I was prepared. I continued to gasp for air, all oxygen still eluding my grasp. Slowly, but eventually my organs turned to their original life living state, my lungs allowing me to inhale and exhale normally. 

"See what happens when you lie to me babe, you make me do this. You shouldn't ever lie to me." Luke whispered in my ear, I shuddered as I felt his finger brush down the side of my face.

I whimpered, petrified and scared of what could be coming next. 

Luke snarled before saying, "Now tell me the truth, otherwise this will get much, much worse Grace. I swear to god, you think this is bad – see what happens next time." 

"I-I-I was with Leo." I whispered, all bones in my body tensing in fear.

"Sorry? I couldn't quite hear you. Speak up!" Luke shouted, making me wince.

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