Forever Friends

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It's insane how loneliness clouds your brain. It eats you up inside, tears you apart and makes you question every decision you've ever made that got you to that point.

Being alone is one of the emptiest things you could ever experience, but feeling lonely; that's the worst of all. Because how it is possible, that even when you're in a room full of people you can feel lonelier than ever before.


Today was Thursday, the weekend was slowly approaching. A weekend that I could not be more excited for, because for the first time in a long time I couldn't wait to not have to wake up early and come to this hell hole for two whole days. I'd heard some girls talking during first period Sociology, about a party being held on Saturday night at Jackson's but the chance of Luke wanting to attend with me was highly unlikely, meaning I couldn't go either. Luke had made it clear a few months ago, that I could only go to parties if he was there too because parties aren't for a girl to be on her own without her boyfriend. I didn't quite understand what he mean't, but to avoid Luke having an outburst, I didn't question his wishes.

Since I left registration this morning, I had been taking the long routes round the school so I didn't bump into Hunter. I barely slept last night as what happened yesterday with Luke and I kept appearing in my dreams, I say dreams but really I'd consider them as nightmares.

Being scared of Luke was something I never wanted to admit to myself, because the minute I did - it would change everything. I mean what girlfriend is scared of their boyfriend?

You're not scared of him.

It's normal Grace, it's normal for him to get jealous.

I got to Sociology five minutes early today, purely so I could find somebody to switch places with. When my eyes landed on Jessica, I knew she'd be the perfect person to ask. She's always been quiet, but just like all the other girls in our year she had the hots for Hunter. Jessica couldn't make it more obvious that she liked him, considering most lessons I found her drooling over him from the other side of the room. I'd spoken to her a few times when we had been paired together back in Year 9 to complete a project together, but since then our paths had not crossed.

Jessica frowned as I approached her, completely confused as to why I wanted to speak to her considering we had not communicated for four years.

"Jessica, can you do me a favour?" I smiled, trying to reassure her I wanted no trouble.

Students outside of our friendship circle, had been treading on eggshells around us since Liam and Hunter's fight with Sam. I had never understood why people were now frightened of us, but Aby had explained it to me one evening. One move the girls make on us, then leads to their boyfriends being in the deep end with Liam and it's a risk that no-one is willing to take considering you'd have to be crazy to actually want to be the wrong side of Liam.

"Yeah, I guess. What's up?" Jessica replied, turning her back to me before taking her books out of her backpack and placing them on her usual place on her table.

"Could you swap places with me?" I whispered, whilst scanning the room ensuring no-one else could hear.

I couldn't have any rumours go round - I made Luke a promise.

Everything that happens between us, stays between us.

Jessica's eyes widened, her brows drawing together. "Erm.. Course. I'll move over there now."

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