Doorway to Hell

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 Call me crazy, but I love Monday mornings. Each week I have maths first period, and for the past few weeks it has been even better with Leo by my side. I was practically skipping my way to the lesson after registration, a huge smile plastered all over my face which even had a touch of foundation and mascara on today. 

For the first time in a while I felt brave, before Leo came into my life I never would've even dared to pick up my makeup brushes yet alone put any makeup on and come out of the house wearing it. I knew Luke would be furious when he saw me, but luckily I hadn't seen him yet this morning and I was grateful I hadn't because I was dreading having the break up conversation with him.

The majority of the 100 minutes of the math lesson had been spent in pure silence, Miss Jaxon had put together an exam for our group which put a huge damper on my Monday.  Who in their right mind decides to do a surprise exam on a Monday morning? It's not even a nice surprise! Considering my head has been all over the place, I think I done ok with the questions. I had a refreshing sense of confidence today, and I only hoped that it had reflected in the exam.

"As the test has finished, you can all chat amongst yourselves for the remaining five minutes left of the lesson." Miss Jaxon stated as she walked round collecting our papers, she looked very pale today – she had no makeup on which was unusual for her, the only reasonable explanation I could think of was that she was feeling under the weather.

"So, what's the plan?" Leo asked, his body shifting round on his chair to face me. His blue eyes were beyond perfect today, I could've sworn they'd gotten more beautiful over night.

"I'll speak to him at lunch in the canteen, that way Liam, Hunter and you will be there. Everything will be fine Leo." I smiled, placing my hand on his bicep. My eyes widened as the muscle tensed underneath my palm, instantly confirming that Leo definitely goes to the gym.

His face dropped, his lower lip curling into his mouth. "I'm just worried about you, he may not do anything now but what if he comes round yours later?"

Maybe he was right, maybe this was a bad idea. I would have Hunter, Liam and Leo there later but what happens when I go home, what happens tomorrow when I have to walk around the school alone. It seemed simple just a few hours ago, but now all these new worries were clouding my mind telling me to do the opposite.

"Do you think I should just stay with him then?" I whispered, my body slumping into the chair. All hope I had, had now faltered.

Leo's eyebrows furrowed before he grabbed my hand underneath the table, "Hell no! You cannot stay with him, not after everything. You need to leave him." Leo's fingers ran circles across the top of my knuckles, sending shivers through my entire body.

His eyes swirled so many different colours all in one place, they were truly magnificent. "Promise me? Promise me you'll leave him?"

I was scared, but none of that mattered right now. All that mattered was his eyes, his presence, and the way he looked at me like I was the most perfect woman on this planet. He made me feel like I was worth something, when I was around him I just knew I deserved a better life than the one I was currently living. 

I didn't even need to think twice before I blurted out the words, "I promise."

Leo's heart tugging smile stayed on his face for the next few minutes, he told me all about a recent trip he'd taken to Mcdonold's and how he had taken my advice and purchased a whole box of gherkins. He loved it, just like I had and I couldn't help but take note of how we liked the exact same things. With that, and the way he always looked so breathtakingly gorgeous it was beginning to be very difficult to keep my cool around him. I know they say that nobody is perfect, but Leo is pretty damn close to it.

The bell rang indicating the lesson had finished, I suddenly felt disapointed knowing that I would now not see Leo till lunch time - another 100 minutes away. I think Leo felt the same way, as he pulled me in for a hug keeping me close as if something would happen to me before the next time I saw him again. He was worrying way to much, I knew I would be fine – I hoped I would be anyway.

Leo's smile quickly changed into a scowl, his glare fixated on the window of the door. If looks could kill, the person on the end of his sight would be gasping for breath by now. Curiously, I followed his eyes, and my heart sank as I saw Luke's deadly face clear as day through the transparent square window on the other side of the door. 

"What is he doing out there? Did you tell him to meet you here?" Leo sneered, his eyes never moving.

"No, I haven't spoken to him since yesterday!" I whispered quietly, gulping down the lump that was forming in the far depth of my throat.

Goosebumps suddenly rose on my skin, and any sense of confidence I had a few moments ago vanished. Just like that Luke had taken away any sense of strength I had gained, the way he was looking at me was uncomfortably familiar. It was the angry look, the beginning to all the abuse.

"I'll stay in here, I'll pretend I'm checking my timetable. Go out there and talk to him, I'll stay in here and keep an eye." Leo smiled reassuring me, "If you need me, just shout okay?"

An unsettling feeling appeared inside me, "Do I tell him now?"

"No, wait till lunch. That way we have Hunter and Liam there for back up! Just stall him out for now, act fine."

"I don't think I can-"

"I know you can Grace. You're gorgeous, strong and a fighter. You only have to pretend for a few more hours, and this will be all over with I promise you." Leo whispered, allowing me only to hear. His words were full of desperation, and strength. He was right, only a few more hours and my life would be somewhat normal again – I'd be single, free and aloud to do as I pleased.

Just as I was about to walk away Leo said, "I'd hug you right now Grace, but he's watching. Just be careful."

Without replying, I walked towards the door. Nervous for what awaited me on the other side, not once has Luke ever turned up outside my lesson waiting for me, I didn't even know he knew my timetable. Once I got on the other side I realised Luke's eyes were the spine-chilling charcoal that I loathed.  


Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
 - What do you think will happen next? 
 - Do you think it will be easy for Grace to get away from Luke?

Please leave comments, I love reading them all. 

Please also remember if you are in a similar situation to Grace, please speak to somebody and stay safe. You do not have to go through this alone, speak to a family member or an adult close to you. They can help you. 

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