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IT WAS TIME FOR THE FIELD TRIP AND DIANA STILL HAD ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHERE THEY WERE GOING. She walked with Flash towards the school, struggling to keep up despite being taller; he wasn't called Flash for nothing. Because they were going out on an excursion, they had to wear the school's required yellow blazers, a rule that they both reluctantly followed, noses wrinkling as they slowly donned the offensively bright article of clothing.

"I feel pretentious and ugly," Flash had commented as they rode the train, trying to ignore the looks they were receiving from the other passengers, most of whom still hadn't gotten their coffee and were thus upset at the screaming color invading their vision so early in the morning.

By the time they had reached their stop, they had gotten three rude comments, five pictures taken, and a lot of grumbling aimed in their direction. They really needed to have a conversation with the school and their design choices.

"Flash," Diana called out, trying to get him to slow down, "Where are we even going?"

The boy sighed and looked up at the sky, waiting for her to catch up, tapping his foot. "We're going to some science exhibit."

She scoffed, catching up to him, trying to keep his pace. "That's all you know?"

He shrugged, not even faltering. "That's all I had to know. C'mon, I don't wanna be late for E period, Ms. Warren hates me."

Sighing, Diana started to run, keeping up with Flash who broke out into what he called a jog. They made it to school with just enough time to get to their lockers, but by then Diana was wheezing, her blazer taken off in an effort not to wreck it before they even left for the field trip.

Diana sighed as she watched Flash run down the hall towards his classroom, calling out a short bye before disappearing around the corner.

She scoffed, throwing her blazer in her locker, mumbling to herself. "Flash Thompson? More like Jerk Thompson. Mr. I-Don't-Wait-For-Normal-People-Meh..."

º º º º º

They were scheduled to leave just after break, told to meet at the front of the school ten minutes after the bell rang for everyone else to get inside. Everyone had rushed to their lockers as soon as the bell rang, scrambling to grab their things in an effort to not get left behind.

"So," Gwen said as Diana grabbed her blazer out of her locker, "I'll sit with you while Harry sits with Flash. If we're going to buddy up, I'd rather buddy with someone who'll laugh at my science jokes." She cast a sour look up at Harry who tapped her nose, not looking up from his phone.

Diana laughed as Gwen huffed, walking towards Flash's locker. As they neared, they heard a voice say, "Flash, you're sitting by me on the bus ride, right?" They looked over to see Sally Avril leaning against Flash's locker, smiling up at him.

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