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JOHNNY ADDED DIANA ON SNAPCHAT LATER THAT NIGHT WHEN THEY WERE HEADING HOME AND JESSE SCREAMED. She went so far as to grab the blonde's phone, checking to make sure that it was, in fact, Johnny. It was confirmed by the Snapchat-verified flame emoji, something that Harry rolled his eyes at when he peered over her shoulder to look.

"Why were you guys eating pretzels in the bathtub again?" he asked, texting on his phone.

"It's a very long story," Diana sighed, "Though, I have to say, you have a great boyfriend."

Harry smiled proudly. "I know. He's kind of awful, but I think I'll keep him."

"If you screw up that relationship, I'm taking him," Flash called out from where he was furiously typing in a group chat, lying across the other side of the seats, his head in Gwen's lap, "He's mine."

Gwen laughed and ran a hand through his hair absentmindedly, because friends did this, it didn't mean anything. That's what she had texted Diana when Flash first put his head on her lap during the drive after the blonde sent her a series of question marks and eye emojis.

Diana raised a hand, nearly pressing her earring before remembering that Peter was asleep by that point. At least, she hoped he was asleep. Her heart lurched at the thought of him waiting by her window for help, bleeding out. She checked her phone and found no new messages from him. Maybe his phone had broken. She shouldn't have gone to the party.

"Breathe," Flash said, glancing up from his phone, "Go on."

She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, her eyes drooping. She rested her head against Harry's shoulder and closed her eyes. She was a teenager, she was allowed to have fun. Peter would be okay. She couldn't focus on her job all the time, there was a line. Peter knew that.

º º º º º

The next morning was a Sunday and Diana was relieved. She woke up in the afternoon, too tired from the party the night before. They had returned home past midnight of all things, Rosie having already gone to bed, too exhausted to stay awake and make sure her kids got home safe.

"I feel hungover, but I didn't drink," Flash groaned as he woke up, too tired to leave Diana's room before she woke herself.

"Did you drink anything the aliens offered you?" she asked, moving so her head was by the foot of her bed like his.

He nodded. "Yeah, I'm in a groupchat with a lot of them. They're pretty great, they just kept bringing us food and drinks and stuff."

She smirked. "Johnny said to be careful of that. You don't listen, do you?"

He scowled. "Shut up, they were nice. I'm gonna go to my room and sleep some more, you know what time it is?"

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