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DIANA SOON REALIZED THAT SHE HAD NO IDEA WHO PETER PARKER EVEN WAS. It hit her like a bullet train one morning when she was passing by the band room and overheard him telling their director that he had to quit. She had frozen in place, listening as he spoke. She didn't even know that he had been in marching band.

"I heard you quit Robotics as well, is everything alright, Peter?" Mr. Brown asked, sounding as concerned as Diana felt.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, everything's fine," he replied, "It's just that the Stark internship is taking up a lot of my time and I feel as though I should show that I'm really dedicated to it."

"That's very responsible of you, Peter," Mr. Brown replied, "But if you ever want to come back, just tell me. You're a part of us. And if you ever need to talk, know that I'm here."

She figured Peter was smiling. "Thank you, Mr. Brown."

"Of course. Now, go on, be young, talk to your friends. I'll see you later."

Diana startled slightly, trying to run away before Peter caught her. Unfortunately for her, he had skipped out of the room too fast for her to avoid.

"Diana," he said, surprised.

She turned on his heel, unsure whether to smile. "Peter."

"H-hey," he said, walking towards her, "How're you?"

She shrugged. "Pretty good. Uh, you?" She didn't know whether he was trying to be her friend or was pretending to be nice to feel better.

"Pretty good," he replied, crossing his arms. He looked around before lowering his voice. "I haven't been going out much during the night, May's schedule got her to come home earlier."

"Oh," she said, nodding, "That's, um..." she glanced to the side, "Is that a good thing, because I think it's good that you won't be stopping muggers, but you seem to like doing it, so..."

He shrugged. "It's kind of both. But, I mean, I'm still going out late, so I can still stop them. I just don't want her worrying about me, you know?"

"Yeah," she breathed, "Believe me, I know what it's like to worry about you."

His expression shifted and she bit her tongue; she shouldn't have said that. She ducked her head, staring at her shoes.

"So..." he began, rocking back and forth on his toes and heels, "Are we gonna become those people who won't talk to each other because we broke up?"

She glanced up at him. "What do you mean?"

He shrugged. "I mean, I don't know? I know you liked Spider-Man a lot more than Peter, but I like to think we can still be friends? If we were even friends..." he mumbled the last part to himself and Diana was jolted into a realization.

She had only ever interacted with a different Peter Parker. The Peter Parker everyone else knew was radically different from her own. The one that snuck into her window, called her doc, had a bright carefree feel about him. She had been friends with the Spider-Man of Peter Parker. It was evident by how she didn't even know his favorite color or that he was in marching band or even robotics.

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