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IT WASN'T A DATE. IT WAS JUST TWO PEOPLE GETTING LUNCH AND SOME OTHER THINGS. At least, that's what Diana told herself as she put on the makeup that Jesse had bought for her. She had watched about twenty different YouTube videos and did way too much research all for some hang out with some dork from Queens.

from: Peter (12:13 pm)
Hey, Doc, should I knock? I'm
walking into the building now

She scoffed and stepped out of the bathroom, heading towards the door. She stopped just before she opened it at the sound of a whistle.

She turned, raising an unamused eyebrow at Flash who had a piece of his birthday cake from the two nights before in his hands, still in his night clothes.

"What?" he asked, "You look hot."

She blinked. "That's inappropriate."

"Wha–No, it's—" he stepped around the counter, explaining, "I hear Gwen calling you and Harry hot all the time, she said it's in a friend way, I figure I can do the same thing."

"Huh," she said, unlocking the front door, "Well, thanks, Flash, I appreciate that."

He nodded, making his way back to his room. "Yeah, well, tell whatever nerd you're seeing that you're too good for him. I don't care how great he is, you're always better."

She sighed, hiding her smile. "Thank you, Flash, please leave now, he's almost here." She had a feeling that he knew it was Peter and was grateful for him pretending not to know.

"M'kay, bye," he called, already in his room, "Have fun."

She scoffed and opened the door at the sound of footsteps down the hall. On the other side was Peter, dressed in another fairly nice shirt, albeit one a little too big, and a beanie.

He smiled. "He is right, you are a too good for me."

Her eyebrows raised as she grabbed her keys and locked the door behind her. "You heard?"

He tapped his ears. "All my senses were heightened after the bite." He pressed the button for the elevator, adjusting his beanie. "You look nice," he added, blushing.

She smiled softly. "Well, that's neat. And thanks, Peter, you too." She reached out and flattened down his collar, fixing his rolled up sleeve.

He sighed. "I'll just tell you now, I borrowed it from Harry." He stepped into the elevator, not looking at her, his ears red. She knew that he was blushing all over and she grinned.

"That's adorable," she cooed, nudging him with her shoulder.

He scoffed, blushing deeper. He raised his eyes to the ceiling, sighing. "How are you?"

She raised an eyebrow; small talk. "I'm fine, how are you?"

He made a noise in the back of his throat. "Why did I ask that, that's such a lame question. Um..."

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