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BECAUSE FLASH WAS THE ONLY TEAM MEMBER WHO WASN'T SHARING A ROOM, DIANA WAS ALLOWED TO TAKE THE SPARE BED. The original plan was for Jesse and Diana to share a room while Rosie had another, but after a lot of poking and prodding from Flash, Mr. Harrington finally relented with the agreement that they not tell the principal or anyone of any importance. So Jesse was able to upgrade to a king bed with her own room, Rosie was still able to be by herself, and Diana was with Flash.

She was currently hitting her head against the wall repeatedly, cursing Peter in every way she knew how.

"This. Boy. Is. An. Idiot. Hacking into Stark tech and removing his tracker so he can hunt down a homicidal maniac the night before a national decathlon meet. What a great idea. He's using the team and-"

"Why are you whispering to yourself?"

She whirled around, pressing herself up against the wall. Flash raised an eyebrow and leaned against the bathroom doorframe, crossing his arms over his bare chest, a towel slung over his shoulder.

"You good?"

She sighed heavily and nodded, swallowing. "Yeah, yeah, fine. I just-I don't know." She tried to give him a smile, but only succeeded in a grimace.

He motioned towards her clothes. "You gonna come swimming or what?"

She pursed her lips. Liz had knocked on their door a few minutes before, telling them to get dressed as they were going to break the rules and go swimming. For team morale, of course. She had invited Diana as well, saying that it would be even better to include someone who wasn't part of the team.

"I, uh...didn't bring any swim stuff?" she ventured. Flash glanced towards her open luggage which had her swimsuit placed in one of the nets, easily seen by both of them.

"Dina, what's wrong?" he asked, stepping forward.

In her ear were the sounds of Ned asking Peter why breaking into Stark tech was a good idea and Peter trying to explain. Everything was wrong.

"Nothing," she breathed, "It's just...Peter..."

Flash's expression turned dark. "Did he say anything to you?"

She shook her head quickly. "No, no, no. That-that's the thing, I..." she sighed. This was better than the alternative. "I miss him, Flash."

Flash sighed and looked to the side. "Diana...he doesn't deserve you."

She scoffed. "What's that gotta do with anything? I think I've already proved I don't care if they deserve me, I'm gonna go anyways."

Flash pursed his lips. "I'm gonna pretend you didn't just mention Danny to me and go back to the bathroom. I'm gonna come back out and we're gonna pretend this conversation didn't just happen."

Diana watched as he made his way to the bathroom, walking inside and closing the door. He opened it a moment later and leaned against it.

"Aren't you gonna get dressed?" he asked, motioning towards her bathing suit in her luggage.

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