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IN A STROKE OF MOVIE-LIKE COINCIDENCE, PETER SHOWED UP TO HER ROOM THE FOLLOWING NIGHT. She had been staring at the earrings that sat on her dresser, too afraid to put them on. Nicky was so afraid of something that he had built her a weapon. She didn't want to touch it. She also didn't want to wear those earrings because that would mean she would have to get settled into a completely different zone. She wouldn't just be a medic, she would be a fly on the wall.

Hero of heroes. The name didn't suit what she was doing.

She jumped when her phone buzzed in her pocket.

from: Peter (8:27 pm)
My leg won't stop bleeding
can I come over?

Her heart leapt into her throat. This was why she had to do it. Because if Nicky hadn't convinced Peter to call her for help, he would've just let his leg bleed out.

to: Peter (8:27 pm)
Yes get over here now

She jumped up and locked her door, knowing that Flash was already asleep; he had retired early whereas Diana stuck around to play cards with a familiarly chatty Jesse.

She glanced at the earrings, then over at the drawer where she had hidden the tracker. She just had to inject him.

Glancing at her window, she grabbed it out of its hiding place, pulling out the tubs of supplies and getting them ready. If anything, Peter would just assume it's something new Nicky told her to try to prevent infections that never seemed to appear. Very movie-esque if you asked her.

She needed to stop watching behind-the-scene clips with Jesse, they were getting in her head.

As she waited for Peter, she grabbed her phone off her desk, glancing at her messages. She had been texting with Daisy the past weeks, as well as Danny, as she had missed her cousins dearly ever since she left. She tried not to think or mention it to anyone else as she knew how touchy a subject London was for them.

from: Danny (5:13 pm)
How are you holding up?

She sighed as she stared at Danny's message, figuring out the best way to respond without him completely pouncing.

to: Danny (8:30 pm)
As well as could be expected

She expected the reply, not right away of course, but it didn't even suit. She rolled her eyes, despite the pang in her chest that longed to just agree.

from: Danny (8:31 pm)
You can come home

She fell back against her mattress, typing back.

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