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THE CEMETERY WAS PRETTY DURING THE DAY. THAT WAS WHAT PETER TRIED TO FOCUS ON RATHER THAN THE SITUATION AT HAND. He had known it was a long time coming, over a month in the making. He just didn't think the day would come. He tried not to let his feet drag as he made his way to the large cemetery. It had been revamped years before, a memorial placed to commemorate those who were lost during The Incident. The unveiling had been a world-wide event and it moved many, himself included.

School had ended, but he wasn't jumping for joy. No, he had dreaded the last bell and the days to follow, especially the third. He wanted nothing more than to just sleep through the day, but he knew it wouldn't be right.

It was only for the summer.

He walked through the open gates, looking out at the large, empty cemetery. He had come at the time when no none else came, everyone always busy doing something else.

He noticed a figure standing by the graves in the patch designated for those who passed during The Incident and felt his heart grow heavy.

He slowed as he neared the figure, coming to stand next to her, placing his hands in his pockets to avoid taking her hand.

"I always come a month after the anniversary."

He didn't say anything. He just looked at the two graves and the new bouquets of flowers.

"After a month, everyone's already celebrated the anniversary, no one bothers to come anymore. No more press, no more people."

He braced himself. The story had long since been coming, though he already knew what it was.

"I had come once during the actual anniversary. It was the first one. It was this big thing and there was all this security and press and a live event. Huge.

"Flash had helped me push through the crowd. I could barely make it through the gates. Everyone was just so sad.

"It was hard to see all these people. They felt differently and they lost different people, but we were all sad. I could feel it and it hurt so much.

"I didn't pay attention to the ceremony. I dont think anyone really did, at least not the people who lost people. I think they all did what I did and just stared at the graves."

Peter took her hand, hearing her swallow thickly.

"Afterwards, someone came up to me for an interview. I was still a kid and I didn't want to be rude, so I agreed.

"The questions were okay at first, I guess, just asking how I felt about the ceremony and how I felt in general. They were okay to answer.

"Then they got bad. They asked who I lost and how I was going to survive. They just—they asked too much, I just lost my parents.

"I freaked out. I don't remember what I did, but everyone was staring and the cameras and Flash had to pull me away and I just—I swore I would never go back during the actual anniversary.

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