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PETER STARTED DROPPING BY MORE OFTEN, WHETHER OR NOT HE WAS INJURED. DIANA FOUND THAT, MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, SHE WAS APPLYING SUPERHERO BANDAIDS TO HIS SMALL PAPER CUTS. She didn't mind, but she drew the line at kissing them better, a request he seemed to have every single time he came over which was starting to become a nightly occurrence.

It was nearing the end of April, two weeks after Flash's birthday and their date, three weeks since Peter brought her up to the Empire State Building, and Diana was pretty happy. Of course there were days when her moods got really bad and during those times Peter would try to be there, but give her space. She would text Nicky during that time; their conversations helped.

"You good?" Peter asked, stepping into her room.

She nodded, humming. "The mood's kind of gone, so yeah. How was your sleepover with Ned yesterday?"

He smiled, sitting on the foot of her bed, pulling his legs up to his chest. "Good. We binge-watched Star Wars. As much as we could, at least."

She shook her head, noticing the dark circles under his eyes. "Did you get any sleep?"

He nodded, moving to sit next to her, resting his head on her shoulder. "Yeah. The prequels."

She snorted, running her hand through his hair. He smiled and leaned into the touch, closing his eyes. She gave him a quick once-over, glad to see that he didn't seem to have any severe wounds.

"You want a picture?" he murmured, his eyes still closed. She just kissed his cheek, ignoring him.

He smiled and tilted his head, a hand moving up to her face. She closed her eyes, trying not to get too caught up in him again. A few days before, Rosie had nearly caught them, Diana not hearing her footsteps on account of Peter hovering over her, his tongue inside her mouth.

"Is your aunt here tonight?" he asked, pulling away, his breathing labored. He had quickly gotten used to calling Rosie her aunt instead of her godmother.

"Yeah," she whispered, "I think she's on to us, she's been asking us about the sex-ed program at school."

He huffed out a laugh. "Yup, she's on to us."

She bit her lip, unsure of how to proceed. She had been wanting to ask him the question for a while, but didn't want it to come out wrong. The last time she had said something wrong, Peter had stormed out and avoided her for two weeks.

"What's up, doc?" he whispered, tilting his head. He was lying on his side, looking up at her as she was still propped up on her elbows.

She took a deep breath. "...d-do we wanna just keep this a nighttime thing? D-do you not want people to know we're..." she stopped, "Um...are-are we dating?"

He glanced up at the ceiling. "Yeah, I'd say so. Uh...do you think so?"

She shrugged and nodded. "I like to think an exclusive trip to the top of the Empire State Building counts as a date. But, um...does Ned know?"

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