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A MONTH PASSED, THE SPIDER-MAN AND DANNY WEDGING THEMSELVES ALMOST PERMANENTLY INTO DIANA'S DAILY LIFE AND ROUTINE. The Spider-Man, a beacon of hope. Danny, the rocks ready to destroy the life she had built. Both consumed Flash and, as a result, consumed her. She worried about Flash, as well as everyone else. She worried about everyone except herself, it seemed.

"Get some sleep, Dina," Harry said, gripping her shoulders, "This is the third time today, go to the office and go home."

She shook her head, rising to her feet. "No, no, I need to stay."

Harry sighed, looking at the clock. "Have you gotten any sleep the past few days?"

She shook her head. "Finals start tomorrow, then it's Christmas a week after that. You know what that means, Harry, I can't sleep."

He sighed. "I'm sorry things are so shit at home, we've noticed Flash breaking too. He's been pulling his punches, though?"

She frowned up at him. "Pulling punches still means he's punching."

Harry slung an arm over her shoulder. "C'mon. Ned's not here today, so Peter's sitting with us. I don't want to keep him waiting."

Diana hummed and allowed herself to be dragged to the cafeteria, still part asleep. Harry had a point, she needed to sleep, but she couldn't, the nightmares get to be too much after a while. Not just hers, but Flash's as well.

"Hey," Gwen chirped, waving, "Peter was just telling me a secret." She motioned to the boy on her left who still seemed to be getting used to the fact he was wearing contacts and not glasses, pushing the bridge of his nose before dropping his hand.

"Ooh," Harry sang, sitting down across from the two of them, Diana on his left, "Do tell."

Peter looked around the room. "Look, so Sally Avril's been holding this over my head, so I've just been telling everyone, then telling them to spread the word, can you guys do that?"

"Sure," Diana said, "But why's she holding it over you?"

He scoffed. "No idea. Point is, I'm the guy that's been taking pictures of Spider-Man for J. Jonah Jameson."

They all blanched. "That jerk who—"

"Yes, that jerk," Peter sighed, "I don't like him either, but I won the contest and he got me a job and it pays and I need to help out my aunt, so..."

"That's really admirable of you, Peter," Gwen said, "We'll be sure to pass it around before Sally Avril does."

Harry nodded, then jumped up on his chair. "Hey, everyone! Peter Parker wanted me to let all of you know that he's the one that takes pictures of Spider-Man for Jameson. It pays well and he was a little afraid of what you guys were gonna think, so let's all be nice, huh?"

There was a smattering of applause throughout the room, some people cheering quietly, others asking if he could introduce him to them.

Harry jumped up again after Peter made a cutting gesture at his throat. "Peter doesn't know Spider-Man, he's just a very skilled photographer. You want an interview with the guy, find him yourself, he finds Peter kinda annoying."

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