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SHE HAD BEEN GONE FOR OVER AN HOUR. SHE TEXTED FLASH EVERY FIVE MINUTES TO LET HIM KNOW SHE WAS OKAY, BUT SHE WASN'T GOING BACK HOME UNTIL SHE WAS CALM. It was surprising to learn that they let her have her space, even if they did text her enough times to seem smothering. Flash had run off so many times, they understood how to act in situations like this.

She walked along the sidewalk, looking around every so often. Attached to her key was pepper spray, a precaution that Rosie had opted for wholeheartedly. She gripped the key and pepper spray tightly in her hand, hoping she wouldn't have to use it.

She shook her head, feeling tears start to well up in her eyes, her throat closing. No matter how long it had been, that one interview still dictated her entire life. It changed the way people looked at her, how they spoke to her, how they knew about her. Even her extended family, whom she had never even heard, of had seen the interview.

She wiped at her eyes. She was not going to cry, not in public, it attracted attention no one wanted that late at night.

As she rounded the corner, she heard someone shouting. She jumped, gripping her pepper spray. She glanced at the cross walk. The light was green and there were little to no cars; she could just walk away.

Another shout. More of a groan. Someone was getting hurt. She thought back to all the times she hid in her room, listening to Flash and Jesse or around the corner, listening to Peter.

She wasn't going to walk away. After everything that happened, she need to do something she could be proud of; it would be easy considering she stopped caring about her well-being the minute she ran out of the apartment.

She walked down the street, nearing the sound of the fight. She stopped by the edge of the alley; the sounds were coming from there. She glanced quickly down and saw someone hovering over a body. It was an open alley, so they could run out the other end.

She glanced around and saw a pile of boxes at the edge. Pressing herself against the wall, she kicked the boxes, letting the sound ring down the alley, blocking the escape on that side.

She heard someone curse and footsteps quickly retreat, moving away from her end of the alley. She peered down and found the body lying there; the person was moving.

Pulling out her phone, she ran down the alley, stopping a few feet away. Maybe she shouldn't approach and wait for the cops. No, she could see blood, she had to get closer, she couldn't just let them bleed out while waiting for the cops.

She walked carefully. "H-hello? Can you hear me, are you alright?" She mentally berated herself; of course the person wasn't alright, they were barely moving and were in the middle of an alleyway.

The person groaned and turned on their side to face her and she stopped short. The first thing to catch her attention was the red mask.

The Spider-Man.

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