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IF YOU WERE TO ASK HER TO SUM UP THE NEXT FEW WEEKS, DIANA WOULDN'T HAVE KNOWN WHAT TO TELL YOU. IT ALL STARTED WHEN A MASKED HERO STARTED TRENDING ON YOUTUBE. She hadn't been keeping up with the latest trends, so she didn't actually learn until the Monday back at school. She didn't notice it, really, until she realized that everyone was talking about "that guy from that video." Then, she started to ask questions.

"What guy?" she asked Flash as they stood in line, her paying for lunch this time.

Flash could barely speak, he was so excited. "Remember that huge contest that was all over the news about the cash prize for the person that could last three minutes in the ring with Crusher Hogan?"

"The wrestler?" she asked, grabbing bottles of water for both her and Flash.

"Yeah," he said, "So someone was taping the fight and some guy in a suit. Well, more like a hoodie and a mask, and he didn't even need three minutes, he crushed him in a minute and a half. Completely knocked out! Just a guy in a hoodie and a mask and he did it! Do you know how amazing that is?"

Diana stared at him, barely glancing as she exchanged the money. She had never seen Flash this excited about anything, not even football. It was almost scary to see him, yet she was happy that he was happy about something positive.

"He sounds awesome," she said as they made their way to their table, "You wanna show me the video?"

He stopped in his tracks, balancing his tray on one hand to jerk his thumb towards another table. "Sorry, uh, I'm sitting with the guys again. Sally really wants me to, you know?"

Diana glanced back towards Gwen and Harry who were watching them intently, Gwen looking pleadingly at Flash who wasn't paying attention. She turned back around, biting her lip. "Are you sure?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I mean, I don't sit with them often. You guys'll be fine. Watch the video with Gwen and Harry, they're really into him too. See ya." With that, he turned and left, calling out to his friends, asking if they've seen the video.

Diana turned back around slowly, bracing herself. Her heart broke as she watched Gwen's body almost fall over, her shoulders drooping so much. She looked nearly devastated, staring at the back of Flash's head.

"I kinda miss him," Gwen said, using her straw to stir her coffee, "We don't talk at all anymore. He partnered up with Tiny and Sally instead of me during our lab during E period. He never does that."

Diana reached over and squeezed her hand. "I'm sorry, Gwen. He gets like this sometimes, he'll come back." She knew deep down that she was wrong. Truth be told, Flash had never had other friends besides the ones he was sitting with at another table, Gwen and Harry had come as a huge surprise.

She smiled. "Thanks. Hey, have you seen the Spider-Man video?"

"The Spider-Man?" Diana asked, glancing over at Harry, "I didn't know he had a name."

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