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DIANA HAD CALLED NICKY THAT NIGHT. SHE DIDN'T USUALLY CALL, BUT THAT NIGHT SHE WAS DESPERATE. She was surprised to find that he had picked up, considering how late it was, but his tone let her know that he hadn't been even thinking about sleeping. She wondered what he was doing, but the thoughts were quickly replaced with the memory of Peter looking at her, disappointed and almost betrayed.

She had quickly regaled their conversation, barely able to get the words out. She was pacing, disregarding the neighbors downstairs, so worked out she could barely stand still.

"I screwed everything up," she groaned, falling onto her bed, face buried in her pillow.

"Kiddo, c'mon, you didn't screw it up," Nicky said, "I mean, sure, you hurt him, that much is clear, but it's not as if you've destroyed the relationship forever."

Diana sighed, turning around to face the ceiling. "I feel awful. I-I don't know what I said."

Nicky hummed. "I think you invalidated him. He expected you to understand that he wasn't okay, despite what he showed, and you didn't. It hurt him to realize that you didn't understand."

She made a noise. "But how was I—I mean, how—"

"You want people to understand and he expected the same from you. When you couldn't do that, it hurt. He wanted you to understand, but you did the opposite."

She was ready to cry. "I didn't mean to do that! I didn't want to make him feel bad."

"I know," Nicky whispered, "I know. Maybe he does too, but it doesn't stop him from feeling what he's feeling. You have to let him, Diana, you can't control him."

She nodded, swallowing. "I know. I just—I don't want to screw this up. I liked what we had, I like him, you know?"

Nicky made a sound of acknowledgement. "I know." There was the sound of something being sucked through a straw.

Diana frowned, confused. "Are you–are you drinking a slurpee?"

"That's nobody's business, go on."

She couldn't help but laugh. "I've got nothing else, I just...I like him, you know? I don't want to screw this up."

"You didn't. You won't. Guarantee. If I'm wrong, you can kill me."

She smiled. "Thanks, Nicky."

"Of course, kiddo. You get some sleep. And let's hope I'm right, I like being alive."

She laughed and hung up the phone, feeling lighter than when Peter first left. Not much lighter, but enough to notice.

º º º º º

It was the Friday of the next week and Peter had been effectively avoiding Diana. The girl had been willing to give him his space, but she missed him. She knew it was selfish to want him to show up at her window since he only showed up when he was injured, but she couldn't help it, she missed him.

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