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THE LAST TIME SHE HAD HEADED OVER TO NICKY'S APARTMENT, SHE HAD BEEN WITH PETER. The thought made her feel sick to her stomach and she spent the entire train ride blasting music in her earbuds, skipping all the songs that she had once listened with the boy. She and Peter had listened to a lot of music during their time together, meaning that Diana was basically reduced to listening to Adele and Taylor Swift; it was very fitting.

She walked towards the apartment by herself, hands in her pockets. She pressed the button for Nicky who buzzed her in immediately. She sighed and opened the door, making her way up to his apartment.

She was surprised to find him already waiting for her and tried to give him a smile, only succeeding in pursing her upturned lips. He gave her a similar smile, motioning for her to step into the room.

"I have an office, but considering your circumstances, I think you'd benefit from being here. These sessions aren't conventional anyways," Nicky said, leading her towards a room towards the side which had a few small couches.

"You're not a normal psychologist," she stated, sitting down, "You're like that one guy in the movie with the screens who makes all the gadgets and just supplies everything."

Nicky smiled. "The guy in the chair? I guess. I like to call myself a hero of heroes, if you remember that."

She nodded. "Yeah, I do. That sounds nice, you're not a sidekick, you're almost like a higher up." Nicky had so many connections that he was almost a convenient plot device in a movie.

He shrugged. "Without me, my roommate would probably be dead. Same thing with you and Peter."

She shook her head. "Probably not, let's be real, I just kept him from infections and having to treat his cuts himself."

He splayed out his palms. "What did I just say?"

She sighed and crossed her arms. "Flash said that you helped him out, but you didn't work for the family so he had to drop you. What does that mean?"

Nicky's smile dropped and he pursed his lips. "I'm not allowed to say, that's confidential."

She groaned. "When did he stop seeing you? Can you just tell me that?"

He worried on his bottom lip, frowning at her. Finally, he relented, "After his dad got out on parole and started visiting the family." He shook his head and groaned. "Why am I like this, I'm legally not allowed to tell you."

She snorted. "Like you care about legalities."

He lifted his head from his hands, surprisingly serious. "I take my profession seriously. It's the one thing I have that's separate. You need to have that in your life if you want to do this, Diana."

She frowned. "Who says I want to keep helping him?"

Nicky sat up, surprised. "Me. Because you're a good person who isn't going to let him down just because you broke up. My roommate and I have fights all the time, but I care about him and won't let him die just because I'm pissed. Even if you don't care about him, you don't let people get hurt on your watch, not if you can help it."

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