Paying off debts

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It is amazing how quick can a life become drastic. My worst nightmares came to life to explore horizons I did not wish to see with my own eyes. My chains made clicking noises as these men carried me to my new doom. Lightning without thunder decorating the heavens tonight. Me and a dozen more have become slaves tonight.

We have travel across the seas to get here. I was very far away from home.

Even from this unholy land to where I lived did news arrive. Not even one being good.

Hundreds of years ago a war took place. Fallen Angels and demons of the darkest of nights fighting to rule earth. Getting rid of eighty percent of humans. Those who managed to live were destined to agony. A life of slavery. My parents had done a great job at hiding me and my siblings. Until one day in search for food one of my brothers got caught. Guards followed him silently until accidentally he revealed our hiding spot. They took all of us. My two sisters and my three brothers. My parents got killed. The image made my heart break all over again. It made me nauseous, dead inside.

The guards were causing all of us more fear. As they kept talking about how the queen was going to feast on us. I've only heard worthy of nightmares stories about Queen Rhea. She was one of the most important rulers among the demon category. Comical, she was not one before. Or so I've heard.

Our clothes were ripped from our bodies leaving us fully naked. With a water hose the guards decided to give us an extremely cold bath to wash away our strong odors and dirt from our skins; Then they threw us white robes to put on.

I didn't dare speak at all. Some terrified young ones were. Earning hits from these men dressed as ancient fighters. With long swords on their belts and dark helmets on their heads.

"Prepare yourselves slaves. The queen has quite a temper." My hands were shaking so I decided it was best to clench my fist.

A bunch of maids walked in. Offering us some water. With our empty stomachs it was almost something cruel to do. I am sure this was them showing only some sort of hospitality. Hell was about to break loose. We all knew it. We took the water without questions. I took almost nonexistent sips. Expecting one of the teenagers with me to fall to the ground spilling out foam from their mouths because of poison in the beverage.

After five minutes they begun to take away slaves. Screams echoing in the massive corridors of the castle as they were afraid to face their new fate of agony. For me it was best to keep my thoughts under control. At least make it appear so. One by one they started to disappear. Leaving me almost at the end of the line only increasing my agony.

They went screaming and fighting, but then silence would fall upon us. Which I believe was the source of our fear.

I waited, I waited and waited until a guard dragged me away. My chains being the only noise. He stopped in front of a massive golden door with markings and letterings I didn't understand. A language foreign to me. Slightly opening the door, he threw me inside of the room like a piece of meat for hungry lions to feast upon.

The room was barely lit. A tall figure standing on the balcony, Its back facing me. I could tell as much because of the moonlight helping me adjust my vision better.

"Selene, our goddess of the moon creator of dark creatures seem to be enjoying herself this wonderful night." A woman spoke. Her accent prominent and fitting. She turned around now facing me. My eyes couldn't seem to leave her even though I didn't want to look at her.

Her black hair falling like a cascade over her slender shoulders. Her dark dress beautifully designed just for her. The moonlight reflecting on her velvety pale skin and those eyes glowing a shade of aqua I've never seen before. Like they were artificial and not fully hers.

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