Chapter Nine

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Paige's POV

Dance? Is Zack insane? Well, yes, he is. He's always so childish, I don't know how he does it.

Anyways, there's no way I am dancing, no way. I remember Abby was always so mean to me, I couldn't tolerate it. The girls were all nice to me, except Kendall as you can see.

I remember a few years back, I was such a nerd. Big black square glasses, clear- or were they white?- braces. I was always the quiet one. I bet if I didn't do dance when I was younger, then I probably wouldn't be friends with anyone right now or be dating Zack.

I remember when I used to be so scared of Kendall, when she used to make me feel so horrible about myself, when she told me I was a terrible dancer, when she told me I wasn't good enough for Zack, when I hated her. Now, I really couldn't care less about what she thinks of me. I have suffered enough, especially my wrists, and I do not deserve that anymore. That was when I was a kid.

Anyways, I am not going to dance my way into a scholarship, I am going to earn it. I have been trying hard and I have already sent an application form to Yale, ASU, and Harvard. I should be getting them back in a few days to tell me if I have been excepted or not.

Right now I am sitting on my lonely bed, it's 11:58 P.M.

I sit anxiously and quietly, waiting as the time ticks by. Seconds, minute, two minutes, 12:00 A.M.

I quickly dial in Zack's number and let it ring. Soon enough I had realized he wasn't going to answer.

I toss my phone onto my dresser before cuddling with my blanket and passing out.

I quickly wake up to my alarm. I pound my hand against my old fashioned clock, since my phone doesn't wake me up anymore. I rolled out of bed and turned on the lights. I quickly closed my eyes and had to blink rapidly for them to adjust. Finally, when I wasn't blind, I did my usual routine.

Shower, dressed, curl my hair, eat a pop tart, brush my teeth, grab my backpack, and leave. No makeup to day because of Zack's birthday, he asked me to not wear it, I dont know why.

Today, I put on a pair of pink sweats, an old grey ALDC sweatshirt, and a pair of black slip-ons. He asked me to be lazy today.

"Hey, Paige." Maddie said as I walked to the bus stop.

"Good morning." I replied. "Where's Brayden?" I asked.

"He's sick."

"Oh, that sucks. What about Chloe?" I asked.

"She's sick too."

"Oh, that sucks too."

"Yeah I know. Anyways, I like your jacket." She smiled.

"Thanks." I smiled back.

"I'm. So. Freaking. Tired!" Mackenzie yelled as her and Tyler came around the corner.

"Calm down." Tyler snickered.

"Don't tell me to calm down, Tommy!" She yelled as we all laughed. We all know Tyler hated that name that was from k-10th grade.

"I told you to never call me that!" He whined.

"Then shut up."


"Guys, it's Zack's birthday, so you better not be fighting like this when he gets here." Alex said.

"Whoa, when did you and Nia get here?" I asked.

"Like a few seconds ago."

"Oh, cool." I said.

"It's seven forty, the bus will be here in five minutes. Where's Zack?" Maddie asked.

"He's always late. He'll be here soon." I said.

Anyways, back to Tyler's name. His full name is Thomas Tyler Salvarsky. We have called him Tommy since Kindergarten, yes we have all been friends that long. I guess last year, in eleventh grade, he decided to change it to his middle name, Tyler. So instead of calling him Tommy, we now call him Tyler. None of us are still sure of why he wants us to call him Tyler and why he hated Tommy all of a sudden, but none of us question him about it.

"Bus is here and still no sign of Zack." Maddie pointed out.

I shrugged my shoulders as we all boarded the bus. I sat with Maddie and Nia. I hope Zack's at school today.

Hey, guys. I'm still not getting a lot of feedback, so I need at least ten votes and five comments per chapter for me to make another!!!!!!


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