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A/N : in the intro of the character, there's mention that the character has a mark in the palm. You can choose which palm. The mark is in the pic above. The power is the same as the one in the other story but instead of ice it'll glow blue when you're using vampire ability.

Get to the story. Enjoy!!!

Author P.O.V

A young girl appear in the front gate of Village Hidden in the Leaf, Konohagakure. The girl known as Y/N enters the village and look for someone that could give her direction to where the hokage is.

She is approached by 2 chunnin known as Izumo and Kotetsu. Kotetsu " hello there, I'm Kotetsu. Can we help you, little girl?, Y/N " can you show me where the hokage office is, I'd like to request permission to live here ". Izumo " very well, follow me "

Y/N follow the 2 chunnin to the Hokage office. After a while of walking they reached the hokage office. Kotetsu give the door a soft knock, after hearing a soft ' come in ' they entered the room

" state your purpose " the hokage command. Izumo " hai! Hokage-sama, we are here to guide this little girl *pointing at Y/N* who wishes to see you "

Hokage eyed the little girl before dismissing the 2 chunnin


Hokage " can I help you, dear? ", Y/N " hai hokage-sama, I'd like to request for a place to stay here ", hokage " okay, but first tell me your name ", Y/N " it's Y/N L/N, nice to meet you hokage-sama "

" tell me more about you, so I could decide wether or not to let you stay. For safety purpose " after he said that I became a bit anxious, should I tell him? " umm with all do respect hokage-sama, there's one thing I couldn't tell you ", hokage " why not ", Y/N " I don't want people to know, because they'll think I'm a monster " I mumbled the last part, he heard it though.

Hokage " why so? Are you a jinjjuriki? ", Y/N " N-no, I'm different from them ", hokage " you can tell me, your identity will remain a secret, I promise", Y/N " *sigh* I-I'm a full fledge v-vampire " I answered his question while closing my eyes

I peek one eyes to see his reaction, he just stare at me wide eyed. I look down " so I guess that's a no ", that broke him from his temporary shock " you're welcome here, since you're willing to tell the truth about your identity ", a huge smile broke on my face " really?! Thank you, thank you, thank you "

Hokage " you're not like how I know vampire is describe ", Y/N " what do you mean? ", hokage " all I know is vampire is supposed to be emotionless ", Y/N " that's just how human tell about us in story, we don't, we act like human do. We're not weak against sunlight, or holy cross, or garlic. It was all a fake "

Hokage " oh I see, well there are conditions for you to be able to stay here in Konohagakure ", Y/N " and what are the conditions ", hokage " you have to enter the ninja academy, and go to mission to earn your money ", Y/N " oh I'm more than willing"

Hokage " well then welcome to Konohagakure. here are your apartment key and some money. Enjoy your living here! And you'll be starting your first day at the academy tomorrow " I express my gratitude and leave the office. I stroll around the village for a while, then went to look for my apartment. After a while I finally found it and enters the apartment. It has everything I need, perfect.

My live as Konoha citizen start now!

*to be continued*

A/N : that's it for today, hope you like it. This is my second story so I won't expect much. I'm still not used in writing a story, so I'm sorry if it sucks, but I hope you enjoyed it. See you in the next chapter, bye!

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