Chapter 7

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Previously on Chapter 6

They glared at each other "then let's have a good competition to see who's worth for her" "you bet" they shook each other's hand "may the best man wins" they say together, and start glaring daggers.

That's officially started. The competition on who'll win Y/N's heart.



I just laid on the bed they put me in weakly. I need blood to boost up my energy. Sakura came in the room and sat next to me. "Hey Y/N-Chan. How're you doing?" "I felt exhausted, Sakura-Chan" I reply weakly. If this continue I'll die. Naruto and Sasuke soon join us. They say next to each other on my right side.

"How are you feeling Y/N?" Sakura ask, worry is evident in her voice. "Not good, Sakura" I say weakly. Kakashi enters the room. "How is she guys?" "She gets weaker, sensei" he turns to me. "Is there anything we could do to help you, Y/N?" Sasuke ask. "There's one thing, but for you who don't know about me will treat me differently" I reply still in a weak voice. They know what I mean except Sakura. She's the only one who didn't know about my identity. "Sakura, will you treat her differently?" "I won't... Why would I? Whatever she's hiding she's still my friend. She helps me a lot. I will accept whatever she's hiding" Sakura said looking at me smiling softly. I smile back weakly.

"So... What can we do to help you?" Sasuke ask. I motion him to come closer and he did. I whisper to him that I needed blood. He nod seem to understand. He took out his kunai and create a small cut but deep enough to draw blood. "Sasuke-kun what are you doing?!" Sakura yelled. "Relax, it's just a small cut" Sasuke said. Naruto and sensei just sat there in silent, they know what Sasuke is doing. He place bleeding hand in front of me and help me to sit up "are you sure Sasuke? I might not able to stop..." "It's okay Y/N... As long as you're getting better" I place his bleeding arm closer and I put my mouth there and start sucking the blood. My eyes turn blood red as I drink hungrily. Kakashi have to pull Sasuke from me cause I'm sucking his blood too much. "I'm so sorry Sasuke" "I'm fine...." "No you're not, you could've die if sensei didn't pull you away!" Sakura looked shock. I turn to her. "Now you know Sakura, I'm a vampire" she recover from her shock and look slightly scared. "Don't worry Sakura... I won't hurt you" she look relax but still a bit tense. I turn to Sasuke who's still looking weak from the blood lost. I walk towards him and place my hand on his chest it glows blue as the colour in Sasuke face as he slowly recover.


Since I've recovered Kakashi sensei said it was okay for me to train with them. We walk towards the forest. Once we reached there Kakashi-sensei start explaining what we need to do. Kakashi-sensei told Sakura about chakra. Since I already know all that I zoned out. Kakashi start walking towards the tree. Walking vertically on it.

He then throw 4 Kunai at us. "Now you may start. Mark each time you climb up with that Kunai. You can start..... Now!!!" He yells. I focus the chakra on the sole of my feet and start running. I run all the way up. I came to a stop and sit on the branch. I look down to see the boys struggling. Sakura on a tree next to mine under me. "Hey it was fun" Sakura say cheerfully. "You did great Sakura-Chan" Naruto cheer. By the look of Sakura face, she's expecting Sasuke to be the one cheering for her. But Sasuke being Sasuke didn't show any interest, just look away. "Wait where's Y/N-Chan?" Naruto say looking around. I whistle at them "up here guys" they look up and shock.

"Well seems like the girls have a better chakra control. They have a higher chance of being a Hokage than you Naruto. And the Uchiha clan isn't as great as they are said to be" I jump down and landed next to Kakashi-sensei. They look angry and determine to beat each other. "Wow you have done it sensei" I say as I watch them. I shook my head at them. They are more determine to beat each other than actually learn controlling their chakra. They won't get anywhere if they keep acting like this. Naruto went to Sakura for advice. I just smile at my Best Friend. "Um.... Y/N?" I look up to see Sasuke. "Can you give me an advice" "sure. Just focus on your chakra control. Forget about wanting to beat Naruto. And had the correct amount of chakra on your feet" he nod at my explanation. "Thanks, Y/N" I smile at him.

Time skip

It's getting late so we decided to call it a day and head back to Mr. Tazuna's house. Tsunami-San serve us dinner "thanks for the food, Tsunami-San. They're really good" I say smiling. I stood up, "I'm gonna head to bed now, goodnight guys" "goodnight, Y/N" I smile at them. I head upstairs to the room I share with Sakura and lay out my futon. I close my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

*to be continued*

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