Chapter 6

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Previously on Chapter 5

Mr. Tazuna is explaining what happen in his home island. "We're getting closer. You'd be able to see the bridge anytime soon" the boat driver said. "Woah! It's huge" Naruto yelled earning a scold from the bridge builder and a smack in the head by me.

"Don't yell Naruto. Why do you think we didn't use engine, and we row this boat instead. Do you want us to get busted?" I scold him. "S-sorry, Y/N-Chan" he said looking down. His head has a bump because of me. I place my marked hand and place in on his head letting in grow red and the bump start to disappear. "Sorry for smacking you"

-New Threat-


We are walking forward to Mr. Tazuna's house. Naruto ran ahead not wanting to loose to Sasuke. I just shake my head looking at them. Naruto's action got him scolded by Sakura and Kakashi-sensei and a yell from Mr. Tazuna. Naruto kept telling us that we are being followed.

He throw another kunai to a bush. Sakura walk forward to check if there's anything got hurt. It's a white bunny. 'Hmm a white bunny. That's weird they only have white fur during winter. Unless it's a pet. Or someone is using it as a decoy' my mark glowed violet 'someone's watching us' I thought I notice Kakashi-sensei must've think the same cause he's looking around. My mark glowed white I turn to see a huge blade flying towards us "Everyone get down now!!" I yell.

The huge blade punctured itself on a tree right behind us. Then out of no where a ninja appear and landed on the blade. "Well well if it isn't Momochi Zabuza, jounin of the Village hidden in the Mist" I heard Kakashi-sensei said. 'Momochi Zabuza... I've heard that name before. I ninja known for his silent killing' I thought.

"Kakashi of the Sharingan, did I get that right?" He reply. Naruto complains because he didn't know what Sharingan is. Sasuke explains for him, he seems pretty shock. But how can he not be, Sharingan is inherit only in his clan. "All four of you, I teach you team work. Form manji formation, protect Tazuna and stay out of this fight"

We did as we're told and surround Tazuna. Sasuke in front. Naruto and Sakura on either side of Tazuna and me behind him. I took out my Kunai and stood in battle stand. 'I'll protect everyone. Even they're ninja they're still human that will die if they get serious injuries. I... On the other hand is a vampire an immortal. Even with serious injuries I'll recover before death gets to me' I thought.

I wasn't paying attention on their conversation, just my surrounding. The mist has gotten thicker. My mark glow blue as my eyes turn blood red along with my fangs. My senses sharpens. I can see through the mist. I turn to Sasuke. He was about to stab himself but I grab his hands. "Sasuke... Don't worry. Don't be scared... I'll protect you. I won't let my comrades the people I cared about died" he calms down a bit.

The next thing I know Zabuza got Kakashi trap in his water dome thingy. "Such a big word for a small kid like you" I turn to Zabuza, making him shock "how did you see through the mist" "*smirk* you shouldn't let my appearance fooled you" he appear in front of me stabbing me with his huge sword. He pulled out and my wound instantly healed. I look up at him with my blood red eyes. "W-wha?" I appear behind Tazuna and lean closer to his ears. I whisper "I'm immortal" then kick him making him flying to the water. I appear in front of him standing in the water.

I form hand signs "water technique: water dragon" I yelled out. A dragon appear and Attack Zabuza. "I'll let you handle the rest Kakashi-sensei" I say. Kakashi-sensei was about to finish him of, when all the sudden a needle came and punctured itself on Zabuza's neck. "You're right it's his last fight" Kakashi-sensei walk forward to check his pulse to find nothing.

They starts talking but I wasn't paying attention. I'm getting weaker 'shit! I haven't drink any blood since the trip started, now I'm getting weaker' we are about to continue walking towards Tazuna's house when Kakashi-sensei collapse I appear beside him to catch him before he could hit the ground. "Is he okay, Y/N-Chan?" I heard Sakura asked. "Yeah he's find. He's exhausted, he use his Sharingan too much" Sasuke walk forward to take Kakashi-sensei to lessen my weight. "are you okay?" Sakura asked. She must've notice my state weakening. "I'm ok-" I passed out. Last thing I remember is someone catching me.

Naruto's P.O.V

I catch Y/N-Chan before she hits the ground. I pick her up bridal style. I feel someone glaring into my skull I look to where it came from to see that teme... Sasuke. He must've like Y/N-Chan too. But I won't loose to him. Y/N-Chan is mine.

Sasuke's P.O.V

That dobe. I should be the one carrying Y/N in my arms not him. Even though Y/N rejected him. She could fall for him anytime. I won't let that happen. Y/N will be mine. Just you wait Naruto. She's mine.

Author's P.O.V

The two boys continue glaring at each other all their way to Tazuna's house. As they reach their destination Naruto carried Y/N to a room and he gently laid her on the futon laid there. Sasuke with them sitting while leaning against the wall.

Tsunami, Tazuna's Daughter is treating Kakashi in a different room. She enters Y/N room. As she was about to treat on Y/N Sasuke stop her saying Y/N is fine that she only needs to rest. Naruto look at Sasuke confused. Sasuke remember that Y/N told them how they finds out. Y/N willingly told Naruto. While he finds out on accident. Tsunami, Sakura went outside to prepare for dinner. Leaving the two boys with Y/N in the room.

"Why'd you stop her for treating Y/N-Chan, teme?" "You forgot what she is. She's a vampire you dope. If Tsunami-San treat her she'll notice she doesn't have a heart beat then what? Do you want everyone to know what she is?" "Oops" "Tch. Baka"

There's moment of silent. "You like her don't you?" Sasuke ask Naruto. "What if I do?" "Well I like her. I won't loose to you" "I won't loose to you either. Besides I confessed to her" "but she didn't answer you" "whatever. I still won't give up on her" "me neither"

They glared at each other "then let's have a good competition to see who's worth for her" "you bet" they shook each other's hand "may the best man wins" they say together, and start glaring daggers.

That's officially started. The competition on who'll win Y/N's heart.

*to be continued*

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