Chapter 2

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Previously on Chapter 1

" I'm a vampire ". His eyes widened. Y/N " I don't blame you if you're scared of me. That's understandable. After all I am a monster ". " You're not Y/N-chan, you're actually friendly for a vampire " I just smile

We continue to talk for a while until its late at night. We went separate ways and say goodnight to each other. I went home and prepare myself for bed.

' one person know my secret and he accept it pretty well. I wonder how the rest will be. Right, tomorrow is the graduation exam, I hope it went well for Naruto and I ' were my final thought before I fall into a deep slumber

Graduation Test


*beep* *beep* *beep*

' it's already morning, time to get ready. Today is the graduation test ' I thought while getting up from my bed. I head to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I put on my ninja outfit and bring my ninja gear then I left the house.

On my way to the academy I heard someone calling my name. I turn to see Naruto.
" Naruto, good-morning" I say while smiling. We walk together to the academy. We finally reach there.

We went to our seat but naruto called me " Y/N-chan can you sit with me *puppy dog eyes*" " *sweat-dropped* u-uh sure Naruto" I when to sit next to him oblivious to the glare a certain boy send to Naruto.

Sasuke P.O.V

That dope. Y/N is suppose to seat with me. Wait what?! Why am I even care? I can't possibly like her right? Though I admit she is gorgeous. What am I saying?! Gosh what did you do to me Y/N? Making me fall for you. I have to make you mine. Was the things that going on my mind while I stare at her


Iruka sensei finally enter the class " alright everyone, today's test is clone jutsu. Wait for your name to be called and proceed to the next room " I turn to look at Naruto to see him fidgeting nervously. That's right... It's his worse jutsu. I hope he'll be okay. I put a hand on his shoulder " don't worry Naruto. You'll be fine "

Naruto seem to relax after I said that he turns to me and smile " thanks Y/N-chan, I needed that " I just smile at him in return. One by one student when for their turn and came back with a headband. It's soon my turn I turn to Naruto " wish me luck Naruto " he gave me thumbs up and say " ya bet, dattebayo!"

I enter the room to see to sensei, Iruka sensei and I don't know who he is but he's giving me bad vibe. My tribe mark is pulsing, I checked to see its glowing white. This guy is bad news.

Iruka " okay Y/N-chan you're to create at least 3 clone to pass the test ", I nod and did a hand sign and succeed in creating 100 clones making it full in the room. Leaving the two sensei shocked

Iruka " w-well, that's great Y/N. can you undo the jutsu? It's pretty full here. I can't breathe ". " oops *chuckle nervously* sorry sensei. Reverse " I rubbed my neck nervously. Once they recovered from shock Iruka-sensei spoke up " congratulation Y/N you pass, come and grab your headband " I step forward and grab a black headband. I say thanks to the two sensei and leave the room.

The test is finally over. I went to search for Naruto, I finally found him under the tree on a swing with a sad look on his face. I was about to go to him when a hand grabbed my wrist. I turn to see Sasuke " where are you going, just leave that loser, don't waste your time on him " I narrow my eyes at him " why do you even care? Naruto is my best-friend " I yanked my arm from his grasp " if you don't care about Naruto then leave. Don't drag me to your selfishness" with that I leave to where Naruto is. I then hear people bad mouthing Naruto. I approach them and ask " excuse me, what are you guys talking about * innocent face* ", one of them say " that boy over there, is bad news. Don't go near him, if you want to stay safe. He's the jin-" she was cut off by another the other person " we're not allowed to talk about it. Sorry little girl ".

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