Chapter 16

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Previously on Chapter 15


We hug for about 15 seconds before we need to pull away. The exam is still going and it's time for the next battle. The board keep shuffling before it finally stops. The name reveals.....

Sasuke VS Yoroi

-Chunnin Exam: Third Phase (Part 2)-


"Looks like it's your turn, Sasuke" I say. Watching the board. "Looks like so..." I hear him say. I turn to him and smile "best of luck, Sasuke." He blushed but smile back "thanks" he said. Then he turn to and walk away.

After about 5 minutes, he finally appear on the fighting ground. I can clearly see that he's holding pain. "Sasuke..." I whispers his name, worried. I didn't notice Naruto heard me, he's giving me a sad gaze.

Naruto P.O.V

Y/N-Chan is worried for that teme. Is she falling for him. No! She can't?! She's suppose to fall for me not him.

'Y/N-Chan.... Please love me instead of him. I love you so much' I thought while looking at Y/N-Chan with a sad gaze, she didn't notice though. Her attention is fixed on that teme.


Their battle is soon over, Sasuke is worn out and he lost too much chakra. I jump off the podium and run towards him, catching him before he hits the ground. I cradle him in my arms "you won, Sasuke.... Congrats" I say smiling. "Thanks Y/N..." He said and fall unconscious. The medic come for his aid, but Kakashi-sensei stop them "this is way out of your league. I'll take it from here" he said, carrying Sasuke.

I run after him. He turns around "go back to the podium, Y/N" he said. "No! I wanna check on Sasuke" I respond stubbornly. "Y/N..." He said, sternly. I shook my head. He sigh and allow me to come. He turns around and continue walking. I ran after him.

We are now in an empty room. I sit crossed-leg across from them. Kakashi-sensei have written something on the floor with his blood. It's a sealing technique. Sasuke is sitting there, shirtless. But I'm used to this kind of things. His fangirl would have nose bleed.

Sasuke screams when Kakashi-sensei placed his hand on his cursed mark. "Sasuke!" I yell. He passed out. I run towards him and cradle him in my arms. His body is full of sweats. It must have been really painful. "You cared for him, don't you?" Sensei asks. I look up at him, then back at Sasuke. "I cared for my friends" I say. "That's not what I meant" he said. I look up at him confused "then?" I question. "I think you are having feelings for Sasuke" he said. After he said that... I can feel my heart Beats fast. 'Am I really?' I thought. Then I think... I've kissed Sasuke.... And I'm so worried for his condition when he go up against Yoroi.

I sigh "I Guess I am. I love Sasuke" I say. Kakashi chuckles. "I know you do, I'm guessing this is the first time you felt this kind of feelings towards someone" he said. "Yeah. This feelings is so foreign to me. I don't know what's it like to fall for someone. But I think... Now I know" I say. Then I sense another presence. I place Sasuke down and got up. I took out my Kunai and throw it to the wall. Kakashi stumble back surprise by my sudden movements.  "Come on out! I know you're in there!" I demand. Orochimaru appear from behind one of the pillar.

My eyes turn blood-red as I glared at him. "What do you want?!" I spat, venoms dripping on my words. He laugh creepily. "I'm here for Sasuke" he said. I growl "you are not taking him, he belongs to Konoha, I won't let you" I spat. "No... I won't take him. He WILL come to me for power" he said. I shot lightning his way, he jumps out of the way. "Get outta here! Don't you ever comeback. I'll kill you" I say. He lets out an evil chuckles "he will come to me" he say once more, then vanished.


Sasuke is in the hospital. I never left his side. I caress his head gently. "I wish I could help you" I say. He stirs and open his eyes. He eyes move to scan the room before they landed on me. "Y/N?" He questions. I nod my head "yeah... It's me, Sasuke" I say smiling. "Where am I?" He asks. "Hospital" I answers. He groans and grab his throat. I'm guessing it's dry. I got up and walk over to the table behind me and grab a glass of water. I walk back towards Sasuke and hand him the water. "Here... Drink up" I say. He grabs it and drink it hungrily.

He place the empty glass on the bedside table. "How are you feeling?" I asks. He just shrugs "I'm okay" he said. There's a moment of silent, until Sasuke broke it. "Y/N..." He said. "Hm?" I respond. He looks away, but I can see his face turning red slightly. "Do... Do you mean it?" He asks. "What do you mean?" I asks, confusion is written all over my face. "I heard your conversation with Kakashi-sensei. He asks you if you love me. You said you do.... Do you mean it?" He asks, turning his head to look at me. My heart skips a beat. "I-uh.... I... Um...." I stutter. "Just tell me.... Yes or no" he said. I look away "yes..." I say. I glance at him to see him smiling like an idiot (he's being OOC, I'm sorry. But just go with it).

"So... Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks, hopefully. "Y-yes.." I say. He beams and gestured me to lean closer, so I did. He grab my face and slam his lips on mine, kissing me passionately. I'm shocked by his sudden move. But then I relax and kiss him back.

I'm with Sasuke now.... How will Naruto take it? Will he hates me? Will he revenge on me for breaking his heart? I hope he respects my choice

*to be continued*

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