Chapter 9

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Previously on Chapter 8

Naruto and I promised Inari that we would visit soon. Inari hug me one more time before running back to his Mom, waving goodbye at me. I wave back with a soft smile on my face then we turn around and start our journey back to Konoha.

-Sand Genin-


We've finally arrived to Konoha. Our Mission is really exhausting. But at least we have a real experience. After we enter the gate, Kakashi-sensei turn to us "I'm gonna go and report the result of our Mission. You guys are free to do whatever you pleased" after he told us that, he turn around and walk away.

"Um.... Sasuke-Kun... Do you want to maybe, go somewhere and do something? Just the two of us?" I heard Sakura ask him. I sigh and just walk away without caring how it go "Imma get going... See ya!" Then I vanished. Not literally vanished, I just use teleportation jutsu.

After a while of walking I sense a chakra that's not from this village. Curious I walk towards it. From afar I see 2 people, 1 of them is holding a kid by the collar. My eyes turn blood red as I use my vampire sight to check their headbands. 'Sand Genin' I thought. 'Right the chunnin exam is coming' I observe them for a while. I can hear Naruto yelling at them.

"Hey! Let Konohamaru go! Dattebayo!" He yelled at the guy with red print on his face. Naruto try to attack and got blown away. 'Hmm... Puppet master' I thought as I notice the blue line on his fingers thanks to my sharp eyes. "Why should I? This guy bump into me" I've had enough. I appear behind him.

"I suggest you let him go.." I speak lowly but dangerously. He swung his hand to attack me but I just disappear and reappear in front of him "too slow... Tch. A guy like you acting all high and mighty. You're nothing but a coward in my eyes. Picking up on a boy who's barely even a Genin. I feel sorry for someone like you" I say. He use his chakra string on me but isn't working. "Your trick won't work on me" I say. He's just stare at me wide-eyed. He went to punch me but I grab his hand and twist it behind his back. He grunt in pain and I push him away. He's about to attack again when a pebble come and hit his head. "Well done Sasuke" I say without looking. I know he's been there, I just didn't say anything and just let him have the entrance.

He looks at me and smirk. "Tch another brat to piss me off. Let's have some fun before he gets here" he said reaching out for the wrapped puppet behind his back. "You're gonna use a crow for this?" The girl ask him. "Don't bother.. If you're afraid of being caught by your 3rd member. He's here all along" I say looking at the branch on the tree he's in and there he is, hanging upside down on the tree. He looks at me surprise. But soon recover and turn to the other guy "you're a disgrace to our village, Kankuro!" He said. "They started it!" He say. I look at him and raise my eyebrow "what are you? 5? Playing the blame game. Pathetic" he looks at me pissed. He was about to attack me "Kankuro! Enough or I'll kill you!" He said. "R-right... S-sorry Gaara" he stutter. Gaara transform into sand before turning back to normal next to the other two. Sakura decide to be a smart a** and confront them. Of course she only embarrassed herself. "Let's go! Remember why we're here for" Gaara said walking away.

Sasuke jump down the tree landing next to me. "Hey you! Identify yourself!" He said. The girl turn to us "who? Me?" She said, flirting. "No the one with the gourd on his back" he said. Gaara turn to us "I'm Gaara of the Dessert. I'm also curious about you and her *gesturing to me*." Sasuke smirk "Uchiha Sasuke" he said proudly. Gaara turn to me "and you?" "L/N Y/N" I say. He nods. Notice there's a small blush on his cheek. "*laughing* you must be dying to know my name right" Naruto said loudly. "I couldn't careless" Gaara said with no emotion.  Then they turn and walk away leaving a depressed Naruto. I rub his back "don't worry. Just work hard and once you're stronger. He'll be dying to get to know you even maybe respect you" I say. He turns to me and smile with a blush in his cheek. "Thanks, Y/N-Chan!" He said hugging me. I hug him back. Being oblivious with Sasuke glaring at Naruto.

Sasuke P.O.V

That dobe. He kept getting her attention. If this continues she'll end up falling for him instead of me. I must do something and fast! There's no way I'm gonna loose to a loser like him. Y/N is mine! I'll make sure of it.



The four of us end up spending the evening together. Naruto and Sasuke kept glaring at each other on either side of me, since I'm walking in the middle of them. I sigh and push their face away "if you wanna glare at each other. Do it else where not near me. I can feel your glare burning my head" I say glaring at the two of them, making them flinch at my intense glare.

After a while of spending time together we notice it's getting late so we part ways and head to our home. Once I reach home I change into my pyjamas and laid on my bed "what's up with those two. I get that they're rival, but do they have to act like this all the time?" I mumble to myself. Actually I know both their feelings towards me, I just pretend to be oblivious. As time passes I start to develop feelings for them both. I just don't know who I love more. I really don't wanna choose between them and let the other one being in a heart break. I sigh and close my eyes, slowly drift of to sleep.

*to be continued*

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