Chapter 19

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Previously on Chapter 18

Everyone looks at me with a reassuring smile. They'll bring him back... I trust them. "Goodluck, guys" I say. They nod, smiling at me. They turn around and left. I stare at them. Once they are out of sight, I start crying again. Sakura places her hand on my shoulder "they'll bring him back, Y/N-Chan. You have to trust them" she said. I nod my head and hug her. she hugs me back. It took a while, but Sakura accepts the fact that Sasuke choses me. I can tell that she's still upset over the fact. But she doesn't react badly as she did the first time they found out. Everyone knows about us, about Sasuke and I. I thought I'm gonna be able to be happy with Sasuke. But he left. I continue crying, clutching on Sakura's shirt. Naruto... Please...

Bring Back Sasuke

-Comeback With Me-


It's been hours since they went after Sasuke. I just hope they will be alright. But I can't help but feel anxious. I can feel it. Somethings bad is gonna happen to my friends.

I couldn't sit still, I need to do something. So I decided to stroll around. Which is exactly what I'm doing.

I stop in front of a lake. I took a seat on the edge of it. I pull my knee close to my chest and sigh. "Sasuke..." I say his name softly as tears begins to flow down my cheeks gently. I keep crying silently, without noticing I begin to fall asleep.


It's raining. Then I saw 2 figure fighting. On top of a water. Then they use two jutsu that caused a huge explosion. One of them is covered with red chakra and the others looked like a bird, with wings on the back.

The one with red chakra collapse and laid there unconscious. The other is looming over him. Then all the sudden his in pain and collapse on his knees. I watch closely and realise its Naruto and Sasuke.

Sasuke stare at Naruto without emotion. Then once the pain subside, he stood up and left.

End of Dream

I gasp as I woke up. That's not a dream, it's a vision. 'Oh no...' I thought. I got up and run with my speed to the Hokage office. I burst open the door, startling the Hokage and everyone else. "you gotta let me go pursue them!" I yell. She looks at me shocked "Y/N... Explain-" "no time to explain... Naruto and the rest are in trouble. You gotta let me go!" I yell again cutting her off.

She refuse to let me go. I got really angry and appear on top of her desk, glaring down at her "you HAVE to let me go! They are all in trouble" I say, my eyes turning blood red as my fangs grow. Her eyes widened. She didn't know about my true identity.

She still didn't let me go. I sigh and got of the desk. "Tch. Fuck it. I'm going wether you let me or not" I spat. "Then you'll be label as a traitor" she said, trying to sound brave. But I can tell she's terrified by me. "So be it" I say. I jump out of the window and start running, ignoring the calls from everyone. I don't care about them... Label me as a traitor for all I care. All I care is getting Sasuke back.

I speed up my running until all I can see is a blur.


I stop as I saw my friends, they are all in a bad shape. I heal them, until their injuries is not life threatening. I made my way to where I saw Sasuke in my vision.

After a while of running. The waterfall finally come into view. I pant slightly as I scan the place looking for my Friend and my beloved boyfriend.

My eyes landed on a figure looming over another. 'That's them!' I thought. Sasuke was about to walk away. I scream his name from on top of my lungs. "Sasuke!!!!" He turns to where I'm in. I run over to me. "There's no stopping me Y/N" he said in a monotone voice. I run towards him, until I'm standing in front of him. I grab his hands in mind. "Sasuke... Please... Don't go. Comeback to the village with me. I'm begging you" I begs him. His eyes soften slightly, but they hardened after. He yanks his hands away from my grasp, and turn his back on me. "Sasuke..." I whispers his name. He didn't answer.

I look down. "If you really wanna go... I guess I couldn't stop you. There's really nothing I could do to make you stay" I say. He turns around and looks at me "so you're gonna let me leave?" He questions. I nod my head slightly. Then I look up and look at him "on one condition" I say. He looks confused. I took out a Kunai and place it on my neck. His eyes widened. "Y/N. What are you going?!" He said, trying to grab the Kunai. But I move away out of his, still holding the Kunai on my neck. "You wanna leave? Go on a head! But you won't ever hear from me, ever again!" I scream at him.

He panics and run towards me. He kissed me. I froze. I drop the Kunai and wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back. Putting all my emotion. To let him know that he means a lot to me, that I don't wanna loose him. He pulls away "come with me instead, Y/N" he said. I was about to answer and then remember what Tsunade said. 'If you leave you'll be label as a traitor' her voice echoed in my head. I look at Sasuke. I smile "I'll go with you" I say. He smiles and caress my cheek.

Then I heard yelling. I turn and activate my vampire eyes. "They're coming" I say, looking at the chunnin that's pursuing us, but they are still far away. Sasuke grabs my hand and we run away. On top of the hill I look down as they come into view. I smirk "goodbye... Looser" I say. I turn to Sasuke and he did the same. I peck his lips and we went off.

Goodbye.... Konoha

End of Book

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