Chapter 1

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Previously on Prologue

I stroll around the village for a while, then went to look for my apartment. After a while I finally found it and enters the apartment. It has everything I need, perfect.

My live as Konoha citizen start now!

First Day - Ninja Academy


Today is my first day in Ninja academy. I've never been in ninja academy before so I have no rank. But from time to time I've been training myself, so I'll be just fine, I hope.

I woke up early in the morning, sometime I think why would I need to sleep. I'm a vampire. Vampire don't sleep, but we can if we want to. Well better than spending all night without sleeping it'll be boring. I went to the bathroom to prepare myself for today, I put on my ninja outfit ( pic above ), after awhile I went downstair.

I took some blood that I kept in the fridge, and pour it in the glass. I may be a vampire but I'm not blood thirsty. I still need to drink though or I'll get weak. Suddenly I hear someone knocking on the door, I went to open the door to see the Hokage. Y/N " a-ah good morning hokage-sama ". Hokage " good morning Y/N. Are you ready for your first day?". Y/N " h-hai of course " I lock the door then we walked towards where I'm guessing the academy is.

After a while of walking I we finally reached the building. We are walking down the corridor, yelling can be heard from the class. Hokage " that must be Iruka, he's gonna be your sensei" I just nod in understanding

We reach the front door the hokage turn to me. Hokage " wait here. You may come in after you heard your name being called" I just nod with a smile. I wait for my name to be called, once I heard it. I slide the door open and enter the room. All the boys stare at me with heart eyes, while the girls just glared at me.

I stood in front of the class, the sensei turn to me " hello, I'm Imuno Iruka. I'll be your sensei until you graduate the academy. Nice to meet you um-". " Y/N ". Iruka " will you introduce yourself to the class? "

Y/N " sure * I turn to class * hi I'm L/N Y/N, I'm a va- nevermind, anyway things I like is to do something new, training and challenge. I hate that I can't be myself without being judge. For the future *thinking face* haven't think of it yet, hehe". Iruka " okay, thanks for the introduction you can sit next to, Uchiha Sasuke ". That makes the girls whine in protest. I'm clueless " umm who? " he points to a guy with duckbutt hair.

I just walk towards him and took a seat in the available seat. Iruka " since Naruto missed the lesson, everyone will re-do the transformation jutsu " everyone groaned except me and Sasuke. Soon my name is called, just as I stepped forward, there's a girl with bubble gum pink hair made a comment that kinda pissed me off " sensei she's new here I'm sure she can't do a transformation jutsu ", I perform the jutsu and transform myself into a white tiger making the girls jaw dropped and the guys stare at me with blushing face and heart eyes. I transformed back to my normal self and walk back to my seat.

Time - skip

Class is over 2 hours ago, now I'm just walking around the village to know where is where. Then I heard someone crying from a far. Since I'm a vampire I have super senses. I went to where the sound came from to see the blond kid, what's his name again oh right Naruto with people bad mouthing him calling him a monster. These are the time where I don't care if people knows my secret. I just step forward in front of them looking death in their eyes. I show them my fangs making them scramble off.

I turn to Naruto " are you okay? ", he turned to me " y-yeah I'm okay. Thank you ". I just smile and say " you're Naruto right? " Naruto " y-yeah ", " wanna be my first friend?" His smile brightened and he hugged me, the thing I'm not used is having psychical contact with people, since our body temperature is drastically different. Well what to expect from a vampire like me. I'm practically dead. Naruto " u-um Y/N-chan, are you okay? You're so cold? ", " yeah I'm okay don't worry " he just shrugged it off

We hangout for a while then he leads me to a pond where we sit down looking at the sunsets. " naruto, if you don't mind me asking. What's with the villager treating you like that? " he looks down " I seriously don't know Y/N-chan, they just did. Ever since I was a kid, they've been treating me like this calling me names. But the most hurtful is they called me monster". ' monster, I guess that's why I sense his chakra is different. He's a jinjjuriki, I can sense it's a Nine-tailed fox, kurama. Even so it's not his fault. If anything I'm the real monster. I was born vampire ' I thought. I didn't realize naruto is talking to me he's waving his hands in front of my face "/N? Y/N? *deep breath* YYYY/NNN?! ", I jump " gosh you sure are loud "

He just laugh " heheh sorry I've been calling you. Anyway what did you do to make them scramble off like that ". ' should I tell him, I can sense that he's a trustable person'. Y/N " *sigh* I'll tell you Naruto. But please keep it a secret " he nod. " I'm a vampire ". His eyes widened. Y/N " I don't blame you if you're scared of me. That's understandable. After all I am a monster ". " You're not Y/N-chan, you're actually friendly for a vampire " I just smile

We continue to talk for a while until its late at night. We went separate ways and say goodnight to each other. I went home and prepare myself for bed.

' one person know my secret and he accept it pretty well. I wonder how the rest will be. Right, tomorrow is the graduation exam, I hope it went well for Naruto and I ' were my final thought before I fall into a deep slumber

* to be continued *

A/N: there you have it, the first chapter. Naruto finds out Y/N's secret as a vampire and he accept it well, what about the others? Continue reading to find out. Hope you like it, kindly wait for more parts coming up. Bye!!!

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