Chapter 18

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A/N: as you all know... This is the part where the 3rd hokage has passed. I'm sorry for skipping the funeral. I'm not good at writing that kind of sadness.

Previously on Chapter 17

As I was walking I heard crying. I activate my hearing and recognise the voice as Sakura's. 'Something's wrong' I thought and run towards the source.


-Don't Leave Me: Part 2-


I gasp. Sasuke stood there, emotionless. He picked up someone, Sakura. She's knocked out. I run towards them.

"Sasuke!" I call out. He turns to me. I reach him. "What happened to her?" I ask. He stayed silent. I shifted my gaze to his back, he's carrying a backpack. "Where are you going?" I asks. "Leaving..." He said. "Why?" I asks. He looks at me, then look away. "I'm going for Orochimaru. He'll make me stronger" he said. "W-wha?" I say shocked. He looks at me. I shook my head "no! Y-you can't go! You can't just leave us... Leave me" I say, as I begin to tear up. "I'm sorry..." He whispers. He turns around and was about to leave. But I appear in front of him. "don't leave, Sasuke. Don't leave me. If you wanna be stronger, you can be stronger here. I'll train with you, let's be stronger together. Please... Sasuke" I cried. He frowns and reach out. He held my hands gently "come with me..." He said. I shook my head "I can't... I can't betray them, Sasuke" I say. "Then goodbye" he said. "Why? Why?! Why do you have to go?" I yelled at him. "I have to be stronger. So I can avenge my family. Everyone in this village are weaklings. They'll only hold me back. I need to be a lot stronger if I wanna avenge my family" he said.

I grab his face and make him look at me "what do revenge give you, Sasuke?" He stayed silent. "It gives you nothing! It's not gonna solve anything, Sasuke. It'll only make things worse" I said. He yanks my hands of his face and glare at me "you know nothing, Y/N. I thought you would understand me" he let my hands go. "I was wrong..." He said. He walk pass me. I started shaking. "Don't leave Sasuke, please..." I beg him. "I'm sorry, Y/N" he said not turning around. "Sasuke! I'll scream if you don't stop right now!" I say. He appears behind me. "Y/N... Thank you for everything. This is goodbye" he said. Then I feel a sharp pain on my neck. Then everything turns black.

Sasuke P.O.V

"I'm sorry, Y/N" I said as a tear escape my eyes as I cradle her in my arms. I pick her up bridal styled then I laid her down on the bench next to Sakura's.

I kneel down next to her and watch as she was unconscious. I caress her cheek softly with my hand. I lean down and kiss her lips softly. Then I pull away only to place another kiss on her forehead. Her skin is cold. But that's to be expected from a vampire like her. But I don't mind her cold. I actually likes it. A tear escape my eyes and lands on her cheek. "I'm sorry that it has to be like this, Baby.... I love you, so much. I hope you can forgive me" I said as tears stream down my face. "Goodbye, my love. I'll comeback someday and we'll be together once again. Please keep me in your heart" I say. Then I left.

I walk on the hill, there stood the 4 sound ninjas. They kneel down in front of me. They said once I agreed to come with them, I'll be their leader. "Let's go!" I say. Then we leave.



I woke up from an aching pain on my neck. I sit up and realise I was laying on a bench. 'What happen?' I thought then my eyes widened. I turn to the bench next to mine, there laid sakura. I got up and shook her awake. Her eyes flutter open and they landed on me. She stares at me for a while, then she starts crying. "Y/N... Sasuke... He-" I cut her off. "I know, Sakura... I know" I usher her to come with me. We start running towards the Hokage's office.

When we gets there. I slam the door open, startling everyone. Iruka-sensei "what's with the-" "no time to explain!" I make my way in front of the hokage and bow, to show my respect. I stand straight and look at the 5th Hokage. "Tsunade-sama... I'm deeply sorry for the rough entrance. But I'm here for an urgent matter" I say. The hokage stares at me, waiting for me to inform him. "Sasuke left the village, last night. He's going after Orochimaru" I said. Her eyes widened. "Gather our best fighter now!" She instruct. Iruka-sensei bow and left the room.

Now everyone stood in front of the gate. Naruto is holding me, trying to assure me that it's going to be okay. "It's okay, Y/N. I'll bring him back. I promise" he said. I clutch his shirt tightly. "Please... Keep your promise and bring Sasuke back" I cried. "I will" he said. He pulls away and gives me a smile "I won't let you down" he said. They don't let me come, they think I can't stop him once, and it won't make any difference if I did come. I have no choice but to comply.

Shikamaru smiles at me "we will bring him back, don't you worry. Even though I don't like the guy. You're my friend and I hate seeing you sad. Man... What a drag" he said. I smile at him. He may be a lazy guy, but when it comes to a Mission. He can be a dependable leader.

Everyone looks at me with a reassuring smile. They'll bring him back... I trust them. "Goodluck, guys" I say. They nod, smiling at me. They turn around and left. I stare at them. Once they are out of sight, I start crying again. Sakura places her hand on my shoulder "they'll bring him back, Y/N-Chan. You have to trust them" she said. I nod my head and hug her. she hugs me back. It took a while, but Sakura accepts the fact that Sasuke choses me. I can tell that she's still upset over the fact. But she doesn't react badly as she did the first time they found out. Everyone knows about us, about Sasuke and I. I thought I'm gonna be able to be happy with Sasuke. But he left. I continue crying, clutching on Sakura's shirt. Naruto... Please...

Bring Back Sasuke

*to be continued*

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