Chapter 15

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Previously on Chapter 14

I appear in front of him to block him. "Move!" He demands me. I shook my head and place my hand on his shoulders "Sasuke.... This isn't you..." I say. "I said move. Don't make me hurt you Y/N." He screams at me. I shook my head. My next move shock him as much as it did myself. I kissed him. He was shocked, but soon he relax and kiss me back. The curse mark crawl back into his mark. He wrap his arms around my waist as he continue to kiss me. We pull away and he collapse to the ground. I cradle him in my arms. He stare at his hands in horror "what.... What have I become?" He said. I just hug him tighter. He clutch my shirt as his whole body starts to shake.

The sound ninja run away. They say something about they're just following order. Only one person will do so. "Orochimaru" I growl, as I keep Sasuke in my arms.


-Chunnin Exam: Third Phase-


We are stuck in the Forest of Death for 5 days. We manage to finish the exam the last minute. The one informing us that we pass is Iruka-Sensei. All of us slump to the ground from exhaustion. Sasuke laid his head on my lap and close his eyes. I just caress his head gently. Oblivious to a certain blonde glaring at Sasuke.

Naruto P.O.V

They're acting closer than usual. Are they together? No.... I won't let that happen. Y/N is mine. She will only be mine. I won't loose to that teme. I keep glaring at Sasuke, he's laying his head on Y/N's lap. MY Y/N. That teme.... I won't let you win. I must do something, and fast.



We are now gathering in a hall. The Hokage is talking about the previous test. How it became a tradition. That it is not only to level up our rank in the world of shinobis.

But I wasn't listening to any of them. My mind is set on Sasuke, I'm worried about him. I glance at him, to see he's trying to be strong. But I can easily see through that. He's in pain. A lot of pain.

I grab his hand gently. He turn to me. "Sasuke... Are you okay?" I ask, worried. "I'll be fine, Y/N" he said, smiling at me. Sakura look at our exchange in jealousy, but she didn't say anything. "Don't force yourself, okay?" I say. He nods at me as a respond. I move my hand to release his, but his grip tightens. "Let me... It helps me ease the pain on my shoulder" he said. Even though I know he's lying I didn't complain or try to pull away. For some reason... I feel sparks inside my heart. 'What's wrong with my heart? Why am I feeling something? I don't have a heartbeat' I'm so confused right now. I can't explain.

"We will now start the plemininary test. Everyone please put your attention to the board as your names will be shown in it. Indicating your opponents" we all did as we are told. It shows L/N Y/N vs Hikaru. Looks like I'm first. "Y/N and Hikaru please step forward while the others please wait for your turn on the stadium. The others went away, leaving me with a girl that looks slightly older than me. The referee looks at the two of us. "Any objection?" He asks. "No/Nope" we say together. "Then you may begin.... Now!!" But the two of us stay put.

"Well well well.... If it's isn't princess Y/N" she said. My eyes widened. "Who are you? How'd you know about me?" I ask shocked. She laughs "who wouldn't know about you? Princess Y/N. True blood of the family." She even know about that. She must be someone related. Which means she is also a vampire. "We used to be friends, Y/N-hime. But that was before the tragedy. The downfall of your family. Your kingdom" she said. Then realisation hit me like a truck. She's the traitor, the cause of the downfall of my kingdom. But she isn't really my Friend. She would constantly make fun of me. "You're the traitor!" I growl.

She disappear and reappear behind me. But I was quick to sense her. So I jump out of the way. I create 5 kunai and throw them at her. She dodge all of them. "Come on, Hime-Chan! Where's your speed? You used to be the fastest among us. Have you gone soft as a vampire?" She mock me. 'Crap!' I thought. I can hear gasp from around the stadium. I turn to look at them, to see they are looking at me wide-eyed.

I growl at her. "What's wrong? You've really gone soft. Maybe I should kill one of your friends.... Maybe I should start with the weakest, useless member of your team. The pinkette girl" she said turning her attention to Sakura. That's when I lost it. My eyes turns blood red. "Make fun of me all you want! But if you made fun of my friends you're dead?!" I scream at her and move at full speed. There's no point of hiding it anymore. They already know. I appear behind her and kick her with my full power. Sending her flying and crash to the wall. She collapse to the ground with a thud. She struggles to get up. I walk slowly towards her. I pick her up by the neck. "Think twice before act. You've made the biggest mistake, battling against me in this condition" I spat, my eyes turning even more red. I squeeze my hand around her neck until a loud snap was heard. I broke her neck. I throw her up and spin kick her. Then she drop dead and I come out as the winner for the first round.

I jump to the stadium and watch as the board starts shuffling again. My eyes have turned normal. A tear escape my eyes. I didn't mean to kill her. I'm not in control of myself. A hand was placed on either side of my shoulder. I turn to see Sasuke and Naruto. "Y/N... It's okay" Naruto said trying to comfort me. "It's not okay.... I killed her." I say sobbing. "No... You are not in control of yourself. It's not your fault" Sasuke said. Before I could stop myself, I hug Sasuke. He was shock by my sudden movement but soon relax and hug me back. Naruto stare at us in jealousy.

Naruto P.O.V

Why is it always Sasuke! She could've hug me instead of that teme. Are they really gotten together?! No way! She's mine! Y/N is mine. She will be mine, I'll make sure of it, Dattebayo!!


We hug for about 15 seconds before we need to pull away. The exam is still going and it's time for the next battle. The board keep shuffling before it finally stops. The name reveals.....

Sasuke VS Yoroi

*to be continued*

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