01 ⇔ book store

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fun fact: I did actually meet a guy playing video games at a book store.


I pedaled my way to the bookstore. Something that I've been doing quite a lot since I discovered my love for books which is 5 years ago. I've been reading since I was 10 and I've been unstoppable since. Well the only thing stopping me is the constant dragging of my best friend to random places which I'm going to talk about later.

I stopped biking once I reached the book store. The book store which makes me feel at home. Maybe even more like a home than my own house. Probably because my mom's always away and as for my dad, we don't speak of him, ever.

I stepped off my bike and fixed myself a little bit, including my messy pony tail which is not at all meant to be messy but got messier after my bike ride. I took of my earphones as I place it in the pockets of my overly oversized hoodie. Really basic of me to wear an oversized hoodie but I didn't really have a choice, it's laundry day today.

I walk into the book store as I was engulfed with the familiar smell of coffee and books. And Luke, who's the guy behind the cashier. He looks my age but he's actually 17. Maybe when I turn 17, I can work at this place too.

"Morning, Carol. Running any errands today?" Luke, the guy behind the counter, asked.

"Luke, I told you not to call me Carol. I go by the name of Charlie." I said as I tilted my head a bit to the side and looked at him seriously.

"Oh yeah, sorry." He chuckled. his cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "Anyways, what are you doing here today?"

"Just here to buy books again." I chuckled as I walked to the nearest shelves and searched for some books.

"Didn't you just buy a book yesterday?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Yeah. Finished it last night." I said, a small smile plastered on my face as I go farther into the shelves.  "See you whenever, Luke." I said as I continued walking, not turning back.

Ever since I was little, I've never really been that interested in the real world. It's always just me and my books. I mostly like reading sci-fi because it feels like I'm traveling to another dimension or world. I don't really like reading romance books that much. It's okay but sometimes, the plot and the characters are just too predictable.

My life isn't really that interesting. Except for the fact that I have a best friend, Sophia. But she's more of a social person than I am. Sometimes, I drag her into the book store and go book shopping with me and sometimes, she drags me into the mall to go clothes shopping with me. We've been best friends ever since I almost killed her with my bike in middle school. That time, it was sunset and I couldn't see that much while I was biking. The next thing I know, I accidentally crashed on Sophia. I helped her clean up at my house and basically that's how we met.

The book store is my safe place. A place where I can escape all of my problems. My routine is really just simple. I go to the book store whenever I run out of books. I read them when I get home and sometimes it takes a day or two to finish them.

My head shot up as I looked around when I heard the sounds of someone playing a video game. I furrowed my eyebrows as I slowly put the book back in the shelf.

Who the hell would be playing video games at a book store? I looked around and noticed a boy that looks around my age sitting on a chair that's supposed to be for reading books.

"You know you're not supposed to play video games at a book store." I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Yeah, I know." He said, still not looking up from his phone.

"Okay, you might as well just leave the book store and play video games somewhere else because you're disturbing other people in here." I said with a spark of confidence in my voice. I'm usually shy and quiet but I could also be feisty and sassy.

To my surprise, he looks up from his phone and meets my eyes. Now I can see a better view of him. I noticed that he has black curly hair and dark hazel eyes.

He scoffed and said, "Yeah, no thanks." He then shifted his focus to his phone again and continued playing the video game.

I breathed deeply as I try to contain my anger. I'm starting to feel pissed off and the thing about me is that I'm really scary when I get mad.

"Look, dude, I don't know what your deal is but you need to leave if you're going to continue playing video games." I said, trying to be calm.

"Not gonna happen." He said, still not looking up from his phone.

"Wow, do you really want me to drag your ass out of this place? Because I would gladly do so." I said, starting to get a little more annoyed and pissed off.

He looked up from his phone and flashed me an amused smile. "Feisty, I like it."

"Shut up." I said, rolling my eyes, not even caring if I'm being rude.

He chuckles to himself and flashes me a smirk. "You're really cute when you're angry you know?" He smirked as he stood up and ran his hands through his curly hair.

"Thanks, I know." I sarcastically said, crossing my arms over my chest and rolling my eyes.

"I'm Finn Wolfhard." He introduced himself.

"I don't care." I snapped at him.

He looked at me amusingly and flashed me a smirk. "You know, I think we're gonna be best friends."

I face him with an 'are you kidding me' look on my face. "Sure." I sarcastically remarked.

author's note:
first chapter! really short but it is an introduction anyways so, yeah. i hope you like this chapter.

The Bookstore ⇔ Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now