17 ⇔ crimson cheeks

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"Hey, Charlie. Can I speak to you for a moment?" Finn came up to me from behind the couch, holding two coffee cups in his hands.

"Why are you speaking like that? Makes you sound like an adult." I chuckled as I took one of the coffee cups from him and took a sip. "Thank you for this." I said as I raised the newly stolen coffee cup and took a sip again.

"Uh...that was actually for Wya- never mind." He said, lightly shaking his head then setting his coffee cup down. "Anyways, can we actually speak outside?"

"Fine." I sighed then we both stood up and walked towards the exit of the cafe. I unconsciously brought my coffee with me as we stepped outside.

I was instantly hit with a warm breeze, a foreign feeling considering that the cafe was air conditioned and the fact that I'm drinking warm coffee is making the situation much worse. I honestly don't know why I'm drinking hot coffee though. It's summer, I should be drinking something cold.

Right now I am instantly regretting the decision to drink hot coffee instead of iced coffee. I mentally face palmed myself and internally argued as to how my impulsiveness will affect my future. That is until my trail of thoughts were interrupted by an all too familiar voice, the voice of the person who is the reason why I'm outside, dreading the warmth of summer.

"Look, I'm going to make this quick. I'm taking you out tonight. It's a date. I will pick you up at 7. Wear something casual, preferably something comfortable." Finn tried to say as quickly as possible. He visibly wiped his palms on his jeans.

It's been a week since I confessed my feelings for Finn, nothing much happened after that since we were rudely interrupted by crowd of crazy shouting and hooting people we call our friends. We watched a movie afterwards and the whole time, my hand were unconsciously intertwined with Finn's and I only noticed after watching the movie.

Jaeden wasn't present though, after the whole incident, his parents grounded him which prevents him from hanging out with us. They knew all about the fight because of the large bruise on Jaeden's face.

"Woah, Finn Wolfhard, are you sweating?" I asked. as I tried to contain my laugh, posing an amused grin on my face.

"Yes, stop making fun of me and say something about the date I'm proposing." He said.

"Hm let me think about it. Where are we going?" I asked, teasing him for a bit. It's no doubt that I'm gonna say yes and I know for sure that he knows that too but watching him squirm and sweat is kind of an amusing scene to me, especially because he's known to be overly confident.

"It's a surprise." He replied.

"What time will you bring me home?" I asked him.

"Before midnight." He replied, once again, his nervousness a little bit too terrifyingly evident for me.

I decided to stop teasing him because it was quite unusual seeing him all nervous and sweaty. "I'm just teasing you. Of course I'm gonna go out with you." I laughed as I watched him sigh heavily in relief.

"Well clearly it didn't work and I didn't ask you to go on a date with me, I told you to." He replied, a smirk plastered on his face. Ah, the old Finn is back.

"Whatever you say."


"Sophia, I honestly don't know what I'm going to wear, this is going to be a disaster." I worriedly said as I sat down in front of my closet, tired or rummaging and searching for the right clothes for my date.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2018 ⏰

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