02 ⇔ you again

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"Who would even think of playing a video game at a book store? Only an idiot would do that." I said as I rolled my eyes. "That's just...ugh! I don't know. I'm so annoyed." I groaned as I took a handful of cereal and shoved it in my mouth.

Me and Sophia are currently chilling on her bed. I'm sitting in a criss-crossed position while she's laying down on the bed with her head on my lap.

"Who's he?" Sophia asked as she took the cereal away from me and shoved a handful in her mouth.

"I kinda forgot his name. I think his name's Finn?" I said, not sure of what I'm saying.

"Finn who?" She asked.

"Wolf something?" I paused. "Look, I don't really care-"

"WOLFHARD!" She said as she immediately sat up, making the cereal burst around everywhere.

"Woah. Calm down, jeez." I said, taking the box of cereal away from her hands to prevent anymore mess. "And yes, I remember now. His last name is Wolfhard but who cares honestly?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Dude, he's really popular in school. How can you not know him?" She asked, confused.

"Sophia, I don't know most of the people at school. Heck I don't even know half of them but as I said, I don't care." I rolled my eyes.

I checked my phone for the time and noticed that it's time for me to go to the book store or else I would be late in going home.


"Sorry, Sophia. I have to go." I said as I stood up and fixed myself. "I'll talk to you tomorrow." I said as I pulled her into a brief hug.

"Okay, bye." She said and pulled away.

I go out of the front door as I walked to my bike which is parked on their driveway. It's so normal for me to visit Sophia's house that I could literally shout, "I'm home!" and no one would care.

I put on my earphones as I hop on my bike and biked to the nearby book store.

"Hey, Luke." I said as I walked pass him and go the my usual spot which is usually the at back of the store.

"Hey Carol!" He greeted back. I roll my eyes as I continue walking, not turning back.

The book I bought yesterday kinda sucked. I didn't enjoy reading it, probably because I was really annoyed. The thing about me is that I have to be in a good mood when I'm reading books or else I wouldn't enjoy reading it.

I picked a random book from the book shelf and read the back part to see what it's all about.

After a couple of minutes, I've decided that it's interesting enough for me to buy. It would only take me a few hours to read it which is okay.

I held the book in my hand and looked for other books from the book shelf. But I was interrupted when,

"So your name is Carol?"

I jumped in shock and dropped the book I was holding. My eyes widened when I saw Finn leaning his side on the book shelf with a smirk plastered on his face.

"You again?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Yeah, you seem very happy to see me." He said, sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and picked up the book that fell to the ground. I walked away from him, trying to be calm. I'm not gonna let him ruin this day for me.

"Oh come on, Carol!" He shouted for me to hear but I continued walking, not  turning back.

"My name is not Carol you idiot!" I shouted back.

He ran towards me and continued walking beside me. I rolled my eyes and turned to the left, just wanting for him to get away from me.

"But I heard that guy behind the counter say your name." He said, still following me wherever the hell I go.

"Leave me alone, turd." I snapped and continued walking.

"Oh so you're giving me nicknames now, huh?" He said. I could feel him smirking from beside me because of his tone. "How about I give you a nickname too, babe?"

My jaw clenched as I tried to contain my anger. "Don't call me babe." I said as I walked to the counter.

"How about sweetheart?" He said, smiling.

I rolled my eyes and gave the book to Luke. He scanned it as I took my wallet out of my bag to get some money. I handed him the money and abruptly took the book from his hand, not caring if I was being a little bit harsh. I'm sure he'll understand that I'm trying to get away from the annoying boy who keeps on following me.

I put my book inside my bag as I quickly walk out of the book store. And as usual, Finn is still following me with that smirk plastered on his face. I put on my earphones as I hop on my bike and started to bike away from the book store.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Carol!" I heard him shout for me to hear as he waved his hand in good bye.

"My name is not Carol, doofus!" I shout back, still biking.

"Whatever you say sweetheart!" He shouted again but I just rolled my eyes and continued biking away from the annoying boy.

author's note:
fun fact: i wrote this while i was in the airport.

The Bookstore ⇔ Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now