09 ⇔ mornings

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My eyes flutter open. I can see sunlight peeking through my window as I blinked many times, adjusting to the light. Once I was fully awake, I finally took in my surroundings. My eyebrows furrowed. I'm so confused? How did I get into my bed when I was with Finn last night?

I get off my bed and almost stumbled when I saw Finn laying down on my floor with his eyes shut. What the fuck. I remember telling him last night that he could stay in my room but I didn't expect him to sleep on the floor!

I poked his cheek but I did not see one single body movement. Of course he wouldn't wake up with a poke on a cheek, what did I expect?  I shook his body with full force but he still wouldn't wake up.

"Finn! WAKE UP, PANINI HEAD." I shouted.

He slowly opened his eyes but turned his back on me, trying to go back to sleep. "Leave me alone, Charles."

"The name's Charlie."

"Yeah okay." He tiredly said.

"Finn Wolfhard, I will NOT hesitate to pour ice cold water on you." I threatened.

His eyes shot up. He quickly stood up and raised his hands in defense. "Okay, okay, I'm up." He said. His voice sounded 10x deeper and raspier than the usual and his curls are look messy.

"Good." I smirked. "So, uh, how did I get in here? I was with you all night at the roof, right?" I asked.

"Yeah well, you fell asleep and you almost slipped on the roof so, I don't know how I did it but I carried you to your bedroom." He said. I raise my eyebrows, surprised. "I mean, I'd let you slip but I wouldn't want to clean up a dead body so..." He chuckled to himself.

"Shut up, Finn." I rolled my eyes while he just laughed. "How did sleeping on the floor feel like?" I teased with a cheeky smile on my face.

"Oh you should try it sometime! I definitely recommend it. It's fantastic and uh, I'm pretty sure that my spine is now damaged, so that's great." He said, flashing a sarcastic smile as he raised his thumb.

"You could've just asked permission to sleep beside me, we're friends anyways." I said.

"But Charlie, you just looked so peaceful and beautiful, I didn't want to wake up that pretty little angel face." He sarcastically said with that teasing voice that annoys me every time. He pinched my cheek while I just stood there with my arms crossed.

"Okay stop, jeez." I said, putting his hands off my face while he just laughed at me. "What do you want to eat for breakfast?" I asked.

"I'm not really hungry, it's okay." He replied.

"Great! cereal it is." I said, sarcastically as I smiled at him innocently.

I lead him down the hallway and downstairs. "My mom is probably at work by now. She usually goes to work early." I said as we walked down the stairs. Finn just nodded in response.

I continued walking down the stairs but a voice stopped me on my tracks. "Morning, sweetie!" I hear a bright cheerful voice.

My eyes widened and my body stiffened when I saw my mom standing at the end of the stairs with a smile on my face.

"Uh, hey mom..."  I said with an embarrassed smile on my face. "Uh, I thought you already left for work?"

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