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"Have you ever fallen in love before?" Sophia asked.

I blinked a couple of times, letting the question sink in then replied, "I don't think I have." I said. "I don't think I ever will." I added.

"How come?" She asked, turning her head to the side to look at me.

"I don't know. I've never really been attracted to anyone, I guess." I admitted. It's true. I've never actually been attracted to anyone before but I often think it's because I'm just really picky.

"Yeah, well someone will change that very soon." She said, a sheepish smile plastered on her face.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask her, smiling at her.

"Oooh, nothing." She laughed.

Me and Sophia are currently laying down on the floor. Our bodies laying down on the opposite sides, our heads facing each other.

This happens only sometimes. These are the times wherein we can just talk to each other about random stuff and never get tired of it. We can talk about falling in love one minute then to jelly beans in a split second.

"Charlotte, promise me that when we're like 40 and we're still single, we're gonna marry each other. You promise?" She asks me with an amused smile on her face. Apparently, she's the only person in the world who calls me by my full name and is also the only person that I would allow.

"I promise." I chuckled at her. "But I don't think that would happen tho." I said as I faced front and stared at the ceiling.

"Why not?" She asked me.

"You're pretty, you're popular and most importantly, you have a social life. It's no doubt that you would get a boyfriend soon." I paused. "While I'm just me. Same old boring me. A book worm without a social life." I continued, sighing in disappointment.

"Don't say that. You are as beautiful and as amazing as you say I am." She said.

I smiled at her and nodded in response. I usually don't get insecure about myself that much because I don't care most of the time but when I do, she's the only one who can cheer me up.

I sat down on my chair with my legs crossed as I held the book tighter in my hands. I looked around to check if Finn was around and fortunately, I don't see him around. I sighed in relief as I sat back and began reading my book.

It honestly feels great to read a book here at the book store again. I usually just read my books at home in my bedroom. It also feels great that no one's trying to ruin my day today especially now that Luke finally got my name right. What a miracle. He finally called me Charlie.

I breathed heavily as my eyes scan through the set of words. Suspenseful scenes in books are usually a big deal to me. Especially now that the main character finds out tha-


I jump from my seat and put my hand over my chest in shock. My eyes widened as I breathed heavily when I noticed Finn freaking Wolfhard standing in front of me with a smug look plastered on his face.

"What the hell, Wolfhard?!" I whisper/shout in annoyance, careful not to disturb other readers.

"Fancy seeing you here too." He said, that stupid smug look still plastered on his face.

I roll my eyes at him and picked up the book that has fallen to the ground.

"That is so not funny." I said.

"Let me guess, you're annoyed at me?" He said, stating the obvious.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Ding, ding, ding! Your answer is correct, doofus." I said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry." He chuckled.

"You don't look like you're sorry." I narrowed my eyes at him as I sat back on my seat.

"Maybe I'm not." He said as he puts both of his hands to the sides of the seat and leans in closer to my face.  "I just wanted to see you, sweetheart." He smirked.

My eyes widened when I realized that our faces were now dangerously close. Good thing is that I'm quick to think. I quickly pushed him away from me as I sat up and held my book in my hand. I hastily walk away from him as I got nearer and nearer to the exit.

"Carol, wait!" He shouted as he ran towards me.

I stopped by the door and turned back to face him. I raised my eyebrows at him, confused as to what he wants to say.

"What do you want?" I asked, harshly.

"What's your name?" He asked.

I sighed heavily at his stubbornness and replied, "My name's Charlie, short for Charlotte. Even though it's not that short but I prefer the name Charlie anyways."

"I like your name." He said, smiling at me.

"Wow you're actually smiling at me, huh? You're not flashing me that stupid smirk that's always in your face?" I said, raising an eyebrow at him.

He chuckled in amusement. "It won't last long. Don't get used to it, sweetheart." He winked at me then walked out of the book store.

"I really dislike you, Wolfhard!" I said, careful not to say the word 'hate'.

"I really dislike you too!" He cheekily shouted back.

author's note:
asdfghjkl 100 reads!! thank you all ❤️

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