13 ⇔ the tradition

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I opened one eye, I can see the light peeking through the window. God, my back still hurts like hell.

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking as I adjusted to the light. Once my vision was finally clear, my heart fluttered at the sight in front of me. Charlie. She looked so peaceful, something that I rarely ever get to see and something that I thought I'd never see. We were always too busy hating on each other.

But the rare sight in front of me made my lips curve into a smile. She looked effortlessly beautiful. She didn't even have to try.

Wait. Why am I suddenly feeling like this? I hate it...but I love it at the same time.

I slowly sat up, careful not to wake her up. I pulled the sheets off of me but I still remained in bed. I looked back at Charlie, admiring her features again just like I did last night.

Suddenly, I found myself leaning in, closer to her face. Then I pressed my lips against her forehead. I just kissed her forehead. My eyes widened as I just realized what I've done. Wait, shit, no. What the fuck just happened?!

I quickly but carefully got off from her bed. I don't know how she's still even asleep but I don't want her to wake up yet. I took a sticky note from her desk and wrote her a note.

Thanks for taking care of me last night. And sorry for being such an idiot and falling off of your window.
I quickly bolted out the window and closed it quietly. Once I landed safely on the ground, I went to my car and quickly drove off.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. The events of me admiring her and kissing her forehead kept replaying in my head. Goddamn it. I don't know what is happening with me. I'm supposed to hate her and tease her.

Once I reached Jack's house. I parked in front of their driveway. I unlocked the door using the spare key that Jack gave me when we were 12. I entered the living room and was met with Jack's parents getting ready for work.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Grazer." I smiled at them.

"Finn! I told you not to call me that. It's too formal." She smiled.

"Sorry, Jana." I smiled apologetically.

"What are you doing here so early?" She asked.

"Just have to tell Jack something really important." I replied.

"Oh okay, we're gonna leave for work now. Eat anything you want."

"Thank you." I smiled.

I quickly ran up the stairs and bursted in Jack's bedroom.

"WAKE UP, JACK." I shook him awake. He didn't wake up at first but I just kept on trying.

Finally, after what seems to be a million years, he spoke. "What the fuck, it's so early in the morning. Leave me alone." He said, his voice muffled because he pressed the pillow to his face, trying to cover his ears.

I got annoyed and decided to cut the bullshit. "I KISSED CHARLIE'S FOREHEAD WHILE SHE WAS ASLEEP." I blurted out.

His eyes immediately shot up and quickly stood up from his bed. "You're not joking?"

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