Army Wife 2

415 40 9

Saturday 08/08/09

     He never did say goodbye. I guess that was my fault. I told him not to. When I found out he left I was devastated. I didn't leave my room for days. I just stayed in my bed and wallowed. The summer was now ending and I was kind of happy. I was excited to have a schedule again, it would be a great way to take my mind off of Scott.

      I made a new friend. Her name is Kirstie and she was easily becoming my best friend. One day we were sitting on the hood of my dad's old broken down car next to the shed in my back lot. We were laughing about something stupid when I heard my mom call my name.

      "Scott's back from boot camp and he's out front if you-" I didn't let her finish before I was already jumping off the car and sprinting towards my house. I ran to the old rickety fence on the side of my house and quickly cleared it.

      I looked up and saw the tall figure standing in the driveway. He was a lot more muscular and he was wearing a tight fitting t-shirt with baggy joggers. He had less hair and he was a bit tanner. I tackled him with a hug and he hesitantly wrapped his arms around me tightly.

       "I missed you Mitchy." he said over my shoulder and I felt an overwhelming urge to cry. I had missed his voice and his touch so much. I pulled away though and shoved him roughly.

       He looked at me confused and I looked at him angrily, "You actually left without saying goodbye!"

      "You told me to! You were so mad at me I figured you would just send me packing and I didn't-" I cut him off by pulling him closer to me and running my hands down his now very muscular chest.

      "No matter how mad I am at you. Don't you ever leave me without saying goodbye." I said looking up into his eyes. Scott wrapped his arms around my waist tightly and bit his lip slightly.

      "Yes ma'am. It wont happened again." he said with a smirk and I laughed shaking my head before reaching up kissing him sweetly on the lips.


      "So Scott, how long are you in town?" My mom asked walking back into the living room. Scott and I were laying together on the one arm chair I had in my house while both his and my parents sat on the couch.

      "Just a week." he said frowning, "I go back next Sunday." I frowned and intertwined my hand with the one that was wrapped around my waist. Scott pressed a light kiss under my ear before whispering, "But I will have my phone and we can Skype everyday."

      I smiled squeezing his hand and looking back over to our parents. "Well we're very happy to see you. And I know Mitch is. He was very sad when you left." My mom said and I shook my head feeling slightly uncomfortable as she danced on a topic that Scott and I really didn't want to talk about.

      Scott squeezed me tighter and kissed the back of my neck, "I'm so sorry." he whispered very quietly in my ear and I frowned. I turned around in his hold and held his face in my hands, "None of that. You're here for a week. I'm not spending it fighting or apologizing, okay?"I told him and he nodded smiling lightly before pecking me on the lips.

      I turned back around and looked at the parents yet again, "Can Scott spend the night?" I asked and they all laughed.

     Connie shrugged looking at Scott, "Scott's an adult, he can do whatever he wants as long as its okay with your parents Mitch." I nodded before looking at my parents expectantly.

     My parents looked at each other and my mom shrugged before getting up with her mug. "It's up to your father." she said before walking into the kitchen.

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