S. 04

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"Wait what happened to her?" I yelled and hopped up from my spot on Giovanni's bed.

"Asha clam down. August took care of it." Giovanni reached over and grabbed my hand.

"No Giovanni. Is she okay? Did they do anything to her? I have to go home and make sure she's okay." I ranted.

That's my cousin and if anything was to happen to her I don't know what I would do. I'd probably would kill myself just to be with her.

"Asha calm down. August didn't let them do anything to her." He rubbed my back to calm me down.

It worked a little but I still felt that I needed​ to go home and check up on her. I've almost been raped before and it's not a good feeling. I never wanted her to experience something like that. That shit is terrifying as hell.

"Wait what was August doing there? Did he touch her? I'll kill him." I jumped up but Giovanni pulled me back down and laughed.

"Chill out you hothead. He heard her screaming for help when he was out walking. He stopped them before they could do anything. And don't worry about the dudes because August is already taking care of that as we speak." Giovanni smirked at me.

"But if you really want to go check on your cousin I can take you home." He stated.

"Please do. I really enjoyed being with you today but I have to go check on my cousin." I told him as I grabbed my things off of his bed.

My cousin is all that I have basically. My mother died when I was young leaving me to live with my Aunt Dorothy, her husband, and Honesty.

I can't imagine anything happening to Honesty because she's like the little sister I never had. She's eighteen going on nineteen and I'm twenty-one going on twenty-two.

She looks up to me as a big sister and I never want to fail her. I want her to always be able to come to me and talk to me about anything.

At the end of the day we all need somebody that's going to be there for us, love us and treat us the way we want to be loved and treated.

Honesty may be younger than me by a few years but she has been there for me so many times that I can't​ count on my fingers. So I have to be there for her as much as I possibly can.

"It's okay Asha. Calm down. I understand you have to make sure she's okay. We can just chill another time." Giovanni said and I smiled at him.

He was so understanding​ and I appreciated it so much.

"Thank you​ so much." I said to him and he smiled at me.

"Come on so I can get you home little bit." He said and I laughed.

Little bit was the nickname he gave me since I was way shorter than him. I was 5'3" and he was 6'0". I didn't mind the nickname because I actually liked​ it.

He grabbed his car keys, wallet, and cell phone before we both headed out the front door and he locked it behind us.


After I arrived back to the house, I showered and put on my red panties and my red bra to match before slipping into some shorts and a tank top.

I was just in my room sitting in the middle of the bed and looking at the wall while replaying the previous events over and over again in my head. I just couldn't get the image of the boy on top of me out of my head.

I looked down at my hands and saw that they were shaking. I know they didn't actually get a chance to do anything to me because August prevented it from happening but things like that are still scary as hell.

All I could think about was what would have happened if August wasn't​ there to prevent it from happening.

My phone dinged and I sighed before getting up and grabbing it off of the the stand and getting back in the bed, checking it to see I had a recent message from August.

From: AugPooh😏
To: 281-557-0210

Quit thinking ​about the shit and take your ass to sleep and don't text me back asking me how I know you thinking about it because I'm not answering that question.

What the hell? How did he know I was thinking about what happened? Then he said don't text back asking him how he know. His rude ass. Ugh!

I heard knocks at the front door causing me to get up from my place on the bed and go to the front door. I looked out the window beside the door and saw it was Asha.

I quickly unlocked the door and opened it letting her step inside. She looked back and waved to Giovanni before coming all the way inside the house.

Closing the front door behind her, I locked it and just when I turned around Asha hugged me so tight.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" She asked me and I shook my head no as I felt tears stinging my eyes but I closed my eyes to keep them from falling.

"No they didn't get the chance. August stopped them before​ they could do anything." I explained to her.

"Oh my God. I'm so glad your okay."

She pulled away causing me to open my eyes and looked at her.

"Come on. Let's watch some TV and eat these snacks so you can tell me all about how your future husband saved your life today." She held up a bag that was filled to top with candy and chips.

"Okay." I mumbled as we made our way to her bedroom.

This looks like it's about to be a long night of explaining and possibly crying.


"Damn August!" Giovanni said as he walked into the warehouse and seen I had the two niggas that was holding Honesty down and the one that was trying to rape her. He been dead due to me shooting his penis off which caused him to bleed out.

The other two died from me cutting off their legs and arms causing them to bleed out.

I bet them niggas won't hold anybody else down, I thought to myself.

I stood up and grabbed the gallon of gas I had and started pouring it on their lifeless bodies.

"Damn man what the hell did you do to them niggas?" Giovanni asked.

I pulled out my phone as usual and texted him.

From: August
To: Giovanni

Oh let's just say I always get the job done no matter how disturbing it is. Just know it was a slow and painful death for them.

Giovanni looked at his phone and shook his head before laughing at the message.

I slid my phone back into my pocket and pulled out my lighter and opened it before throwing it at their bodies causing flames to immediately blaze up.

While standing their and watching the bodies burn, I suddenly got this feeling that ole girl was thinking about what happened which she probably was because that shit is scary so I decided to shoot her a text.

From: AugPooh😏
To: My Honest Angel🙌😏

Quit thinking about the shit and​ take your ass to sleep and don't text me back asking how I know you thinking about it because I'm not answering that question.

I smirked at the message before sending it to her.


Published (5/17/2017)
Edited (4/9/2018)

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