S. 18

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"Mm. Right there." I moaned as August gave me a massage.

This birthday had to be the best birthday out of all nineteen. August made it very special and I appreciated it so much.
He cooked for me, lunch and dinner and ran me a bath and now he was giving me a massage.

This man is definitely a keeper. Any girl that gets him is going to be very lucky.

"I'm done." He said and snapped my bra for me before pulling my shirt back down.

I turned over on my back and looked at him as he grabbed my cell phone. I sat up and stretched before getting up and getting my puppy out of his cage. Looking at the clock on the wall, I sighed when I saw what time it was.

My birthday was finally over because it was now one o'clock in the morning but it was definitely a birthday that I would never forget.

As I thought about the events that happened, it dawned on me that I didn't even get a damn call from my mother or my father and just thinking about the shit made my blood boil.

They so damn selfish. It's your daughter's birthday and you don't even call to wish her a happy birthday.

I shook my head of the negative thoughts and sighed.

Asha and Giovanni had bought me gifts but I didn't have time to open them. August wanted to please me the whole day of my birthday and he did. That mission what definitely accomplished.

He gave me head on the bed, on the wall, on the dresser, in the closet, on the sink, on the shower wall, basically anywhere you could think of in my bedroom. He wore me out!

"He's so cute." I said as I cradle the puppy in my arms.

"What are you gonna name him?" August asked me as he laid back on the headboard of my bed.

"I don't know. How about Rocky? Or Charlie?" I asked August.

"Rocky is good. Charlie sound so damn gay. Now that I think of it, that is a gay as name." He said.

I looked over at him and saw he was playing Subway Surfers on my phone.

"Charlie is not a gay name. He tripping Rocky. Ain't he tripping?" I looked down at Rocky in my arms and he whimpered.

"August." I said.


"Can you take me to get a tattoo tomorrow​?" I asked him causing him to put my phone down and mug me.

"What I told you about that? We not even about to have that discussion about the whole tattoo situation. I'm not even about to go there with you again." He said and I rolled my eyes​.

"Please August. You don't even have to pay. Just please please take me." I begged.

"Fine I'll take you tomorrow. But you not getting nothing big." He said and I sighed in relief.

"Yay! Thank you." I squealed.

My phone rung loudly causing Rocky to jump a little in my arms.

"Aw Rocky it's okay boy." I cooed at him and smiled before grabbing my phone.

"Hello." I answered.

"Honesty." I heard my dad say in a cry.

"Dad what's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked worried. I sat Rocky down in the middle of the bed beside August before standing up.

"Honesty, you need to catch a flight back down here as soon as possible." My dad said.

"Dad what's going on? Where's mom?" I questioned.

"Your mom's been in a very bad car accident and she's in a coma. The doctors sad they don't think she's going to make it." He explained.

When he said that, it felt like my heart dropped from my chest. My phone slid from my hand and hit the floor as I stared at the wall in front of me.

"Honesty what's wrong?" I heard August asked me.

I felt guilty. Here I was thinking that they were just being selfish and in reality something was going on.

"Ah." I screamed out loud as I punched the wall that was in front of me and I just continued to punch it. I didn't care that my knuckles were now bleeding or that pain shot from my hand all the way up my arm.

I felt August grabbed me and wrap his arms around me.

"Calm down baybeh." He said to me as he grabbed me.

"August no. Let me go. Let me go." I cried out and hit him in his chest repeatedly and surprisingly, he let me.


I didn't know what was wrong with her. It was like she was here one moment and then the next she wasn't. She repeatedly punched me in my chest but I didn't care.

I let her because I knew whoever that was on the phone had to have told her something that hurt her and made her this upset.

"Baybeh please calm down and tell me what's wrong." I said and grabbed her arm.

"My mom she_" She started but stop and started to cry.

"Calm down and get you breathing under control first mama." I told her and let her arms go. She sat down on the bed and I kneeled down in front or her and grabbed her hands.

"That was my dad. He called and told me that my mom is in a coma due to her being in a bad car accident and the doctor said they don't think she's gonna make it." She​ cried out and placed her hands over her face.

I sighed before standing up and sitting down in the middle of the bed behind her. I grabbed her waist and scooted her closer to me before I took her legs and wrapped them around my waist.

"I got you mama. I'm here. I'm here mama. Always." I said to her and wrapped my arms around her and just held her because at this moment she needed to be held.

I had gotten so close to Honesty in such little amount of time that it shocked me. That doesn't usually happen but she's different from the other females and I had realized that.

I was started to feel something her I just didn't know what it was. I always wanted to be around her and that's why I spent the whole day with her for her birthday.

I gave her head all day which is something I just don't give to no female​. They gotta earn that shit. And I definitely don't give it to females I'm just fucking nor random females.

Honesty is something special and I was going to keep her around me.

I sometimes asked God, 'Did he send her for me? Is she the one girl I been looking for all along?' But I guess it's just too early to tell.

Time will definitely tell.

I sighed and rubbed her back as she continued to cry into my chest.

So much for trying to make her birthday as special as possible.


Edited (May 16, 2018)

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