S. 24

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We had left the warehouse an hour ago and we were now at my house.

After the snakes devoured Josiah's flesh, August set the whole warehouse on fire with the snakes inside to destroy any and all evidence that may have been left behind.

"Hell no my nigga. She better sleep her ass outside where other animals at because I swear if she eats my Rocky Pooh me and you are going to have a big ass problem." I fussed at August as I walked out of my bathroom.

"Rocky Pooh? What the fuck? Don't be naming my son that gay ass shit." He asked.

He mugged me as Gloria moved around his shoulder and wrapped herself in a circle in the middle of my bed.

"Oh so now he yo son? August I'm not playing with you. You and that ugly ass snake can get out and sleep outside." I said.

I picked Rocky up who was barking at the Gloria but she was paying him any mind.

"Don't be talking about my bae like that. She ain't do nothing to you. Ain't that right Gloria?" August asked her.

He picked up Gloria and let her wrap herself around his arm.

"She bugging us huh Gloria?" He asked her as if she could talk.

I rolled my eyes at the sight of them before getting Rocky's cage and putting him in before putting it in the closet causing him to whimper and I pouted.

"It's okay. You just have to stay in her for a little bit." I told Rocky making him whimper more as he watched me close the closet door behind me.

"Fine. Gloria and I about to go spend some time alone since you don't want us here." August got up and I frowned.

"Are you serious?" I screeched.

"Yep." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Well you and Gloria can both kiss my ass and go to hell." I mumbled.

"What the fuck you say?" His voice boomed through my bedroom.

"Nothing." I said.

"Yeah, nothing." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Smart mouth bastard." I mumbled as he headed out my bedroom door with Gloria and closed it behind him.

I sighed before going back into my closet and getting Rocky out of his cage.

Closing the door behind me, I sat in the middle of my bed with Rocky laying in my lap.

Turning on the TV, I scrolled through the channels until I found something worth watching.

My pone dinged on the nightstand making me roll my eyes. Grabbing my phone, I looked and saw that August had just texted me.

From: AugPooh😏
To: 281-557-0210

I ain't gone be too many 'Smart Mouth Bastards'. Don't go to sleep. We gone see how much of a 'Smart Mouth Bastard' I be when I get back.

Rolling my eyes at his text, I didn't even bother to text him back. I already knew he wasn't going do nothing when he got back. He just be talking nonsense.

"Come on Rocky. Let's go to sleep." I said. I was gone go to sleep anyway just to make him mad.

Getting underneath the covers, Rocky climbed in front of me before laying down and I pulled the cover over us before going to sleep like I planned.

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