S. 16

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I sighed as I checked the time and saw it was twelve o'clock. Perfect timing. I got up and slid on my Nike slippers.

Grabbing my car keys, and wallet and when I was about head out of my bedroom, I heard small whimpers and I knew it was the puppy. I grabbed her big birthday bag with all of her stuff before grabbing the dog cage and taking it with me.

I put everything in my car before sliding the dog cage in on the backseat. I grabbed a cardboard​ box and put it over the puppy causing him to whimper again.

I went back and locked my front door then went back to my car and got in.

She better like these damn gifts too and I done spent damn near a thousand dollars on all this girly emotional shit females like. My hard earned money ya' heard?

Starting up my car, I backed out of my driveway before pulling out on the road. As I drove, I heard whimpers still coming from the puppy and the shit was low-key annoying.

I can't wait to get this damn dog out my car.

I turned on the radio to block out the puppies whimpers but they calm down when I turned on the music.

Once I pulled up to Honesty's house I turned my car off and texted Giovanni.

From: August
To: Giovanni

Is Honesty sleep?

From: Giovanni
To: August

Yeah. I'm about to open the front door.

I rolled my eyes and sighed as I got out of my car. I grabbing her gift bag with the balloons attached to it and then I grabbed the dog cage and closed the car door with my foot.

As soon as I made it to the front door it swung open to reveal Giovanni with a goofy ass smile on his face.

"Aw look at you being a gentleman and buying your girl birthday gifts and shit! How sweet." Giovanni said in a girly voice.

I rolled my eyes at his dumb ass and he laughed as I flicked him off before walking inside and going straight to her bedroom.

Walking in, I sat her gifts down by the bed before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on her forehead as she slept peacefully. I sat down at the foot of her bed and pulled my phone out and the puppy started whimpering.

This nigga!

I grabbed the cage and put it in her walk in closet with her big gift bag and balloons. Sitting back down on the bed, I had just received a text. I rolled my eyes once I read it.

From: Married Hoe
To: August

I need you!😭

From: August
To: Married Hoe

I need me too!😂💀

From: Married Hoe
To: August

Your an asshole you know?

From: August
To: Married Hoe

I've been told before😂

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