S. 28

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"What the fuck were you thinking?" I yelled at him.

"You better lower your voice when you talking to me Honesty." He stated calmly before turning around.

"I ain't lowering shit. Now answer my damn question!" I yelled.

"I ain't answering shit." He said.

"August do you know what you did? Yeah I'm glad you killed him but you have no idea the people that know him. They'll come looking for him and looking for the person who killed him." I fussed.

"Honesty, right about now I really don't want to hear all that bullshit to be honest. The nigga got what he deserved. End of fucking discussion." He said dismissing the subject.

"August_" I started but he interrupted.

"Honesty I don't give a fuck what you got to say about the shit! Let the shit go! It's done, he dead! And I'm not about to argue with you about this shit!" He turned around and yelled at me.

"Did you really just say that to me?" I asked him, walking up to him so that I was in his face but my short ass wasn't really in his face.

"Did I fucking stutter?! No the fuck I didn't! Listen to me Honesty! That nigga got what was coming to him. Listen to me! I! Don't! Give! A! Fuck! What you think about the situation or what you have to say! Stop trying to explain your damn self to me because I don't want to hear the shit! At all! Now get the fuck out of my face!" He said harshly and I could tell he was angry because his face was really red.

"That's how you feel?" My voice cracked.

"Did I stutter? I don't think I did." He said smartly.

I stared at him before wiping a stray tear from my face. Grabbing my suitcase, I went inside the bathroom and changed into some night clothes.

After changing, I brushed my teeth for the night and when I was finished I came out of the bathroom and got it the bed.

He went in the bathroom and slammed the bathroom door behind him. I laid in bed and just let the tears fall from my eyes.

August is so damn headstrong and don't understand. This is not the states. If anyone was to find out that he killed Adric they would come after him. Adric was well-known all up and through Jamaica. People loved and worshipped the ground he walked on.

People will start noticing​ he isn't around and then they'll start to wonder who killed him, and if they find out who it was, August will be murdered and that's the last thing I want. I love him too much.


Going into the bathroom I slammed the door behind me. I was so damn livid right now and Honesty was making the shit any better.

I didn't mean to talk to her like that but she was pissing me off. Like what the hell? Why would you not want me to kill the nigga that molested you?

The nigga deserve the death he got. I bet he won't molester nobody else daughter.

Honesty she don't understand, I haven't told her because I don't know if she feels the same way but I love her ass.

I realized that I did the moment that I comforted her when told me that her mom had been in a bad car accident and I held her in my arms and let her cry on my shoulder until she fell asleep.

I kept trying to put it to the back of my head and not think about it because I've only been in love once or at least I thought I was in love.

But Honesty, it's just something about her. I mean like my feelings for her just came out of nowhere and I wasn't expecting the shit but stuff like that always happens unexpectedly.

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