S. 26

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This little trip to my home country was kind of exciting and brought me a little bit of happiness due to my father and Asha and Giovanni tagging along.

We had just made in Kingston, Jamaica and August took my dad, Asha, and Giovanni to get settled into their motel before we left.

We'd be here for three days and then it was back to the states. He said he was going to make these three days very memorable for me.

We were on our way somewhere because he said he had a surprise for me. I was eager to see what it was to.

"August I hope you didn't do anything too outrageous." I told him as I looked over at him.

"Well you know me. But I wanted us to have our own privacy away from them." He said as he drove the rental car he got once we made it here.

"Oh Jesus. Where are you taking me?" I asked as I looked up once I felt the car slowing down. "Oh, my God." I said at the sight in front of me.

"Wait how much did this cost?" I asked him

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"Wait how much did this cost?" I asked him.

"Don't worry about none of that Honesty. I brought you here to have a good time and just relax for a few days." He stated as he turned the car off.

I was so happy and excited at the moment because I've always wanted to Monetgo Bay. because my mom and dad came here on their honeymoon when they got married.

They had showed me so many pictures that they had taken while they were here and ever since, I've wanted to come here because it was so beautiful in Montego Bay. Montego is just an hour away from Kingston.

"Wow." I said as we got out the car and he grabbed a few of our bags before coming over to me as I admired the sight in front of me.

"I've always wanted to come here." I stated as we walked along the side of the pool as men and women laid on the lounge chairs in front of it.

I looked to my right and saw the beach. The sight was beautiful. The water was a crisp blue and it was very sunny.

No wonder he told me to pack my swimsuit.

"I know. Your dad told me." He said and I rolled my eyes.

Him and my dad were so close that you'd think they have been best friends for years but I was happy about that.

"Come on." He said and he grabbed my hand. We walked to the front desk.

"Hi. How can I help you?" The lady smiled at me and August.

"Um yes, I paid for three nights online." He told her.

"Can I get your name please?" She asked nicely.

"August Alsina." He said and she looked down at her computer and started typing.

"Um yes. I'll show you to your suite." She said before grabbing a pair of keys.

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