S. 32

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I woke up very early this morning simply because today Asha and I are leaving to head back to Houston.

I woke up at five this morning and it's now seven o'clock in the morning. Asha and I planned to head out at one this evening.

I was just mopping around August's house until he got up. He was still sleep with Ace asleep at the foot of the bed and Rocky laying beside him.

"Baby get up. I'm bored." I whined as I shook August wake and he groaned

"Baby just get back in bed and take another nap with me. Come on." He grabbed my arm and pulled me down on top of him.

"No August. I already been to sleep and I'm not sleepy."

"Well I am so go to sleep." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"No." I said and got up from off top of him.

"Get up August." I whined and he didn't move.

"Ugh." I screamed and that's when an idea popped in my head.

"Ace get up." I said shaking Ace making him lift his head up and opened his eyes.

He got down from the bed and stood up and I grabbed Rocky since he was small and I walked out of the bedroom.

Ace followed behind me to the other bedroom and I left them in there and went back into August's bedroom and locked the door behind me.

Getting back into his bed, I climbed on top of him and started kissing his neck to get him to wake up.

"Baby wake up." I whispered in his ear and seconds later I felt his hands go to my waist.

He flipped us over to where I was now under him and he was on top of me.

"Why you trying to start stuff?" He asked and I covered my nose.

"Baby go brush." I laughed and he mugged me before getting up and going into the bathroom and brushing his teeth.

Once he was done brushing his teeth, he got back in bed and pulled me to him before wrapping his arms around me and putting his head in the croak of my neck.

"Do you have to go baby?" He asked and I sighed.

"You know I do." I kissed his forehead.

"Give me some sugar." He said and I kissed him on his lips.

"Baby, I need you to be careful when you get back to Houston. Be careful who you tell your business to." He looked up at me and said.

"Why? What's wrong?" I questioned.

"I got beef with people all over the south. Not just New Orleans baby." He pecked my lips and I sighed.

"Okay." I said.

He turned me on my back and climbed on top of me. Grabbing the hem of his big shirt I had on. He pulled it over my head before throwing it across the room and I was now left in my bra and panties.

I tugged at his sweatpants and he grabbed my wrist and held them above my head. With his free hand, he slid my panties down my legs before letting them hit the floor.

He sat back on his knees and took off his sweatpants and threw them on the floor before grabbing my legs and pulling me to him.

Spreading my legs, he aligned himself with me being slowly sliding inside of me making me remove my hands from his grasp and claw at his back.

Wrapping my legs around his waist, I lifted my hips up to meet him with every thrust.

"Shit Honesty." He grunted as he placed his head in the croak of my neck and planted kisses there making me moan out in pleasure.

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