S. 14

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I was laying down in my bed thinking about the previous events that had just occurred just hours ago.

I couldn't sleep and it was now two in the morning. August had left minutes after Asha and Giovanni walked in on us.

I felt embarrassed but I didn't know why.

Was it because he didn't say anything to me after we kissed? Was it because Asha and Giovanni walked in on him and I? Was it because he hadn't texted me?

I really don't know why I felt embarrassed.

And I don't even want to get on the fact that he spoke. It was a mumble but I still heard what he said. I wasn't expecting him to say anything at all.

I heard my before door open, I didn't even bother to look and see who it was. I just continued to look up at the ceiling with my arms behind my head.

"Honesty?" I heard. My eyes traveled to the doorway only to see Asha standing there with her arm hanging at her sides.


"Are you okay? You're not mad at me and Giovanni are you?" She asked me as she came over and sat beside me on the bed.

I should be mad at y'all because y'all interrupted the best kiss I've ever had in my eighteen years of living!

"Of course I'm okay and no I'm not mad at y'all." I focused my attention back on the ceiling.

"Have you heard from him?" She asked.

"No." I shook my head.

"Have you texted him?"

"No." I stated.

"Girl! Text him." She jumped up and said.

"No. I don't want to." I stated

"Honesty text him and text him right now." She pointed at me as if she was my mama or something and I was her child.

She better move around with that shit!

I rolled my eyes before sitting up in bed and grabbed my phone off the nearby nightstand.

To: AugPooh😏
From: 281-557-0210

Are you up?

Just as I was about to put my phone down it dinged causing me to look down at it.

From: AugPooh😏
To: 281-557-0210

Yeah I'm up and shouldn't you be sleep? Isn't it pass your bedtime? 😂

To: AugPooh 😏
From: 281-557-0210

That's​ not funny. 😒

From AugPooh😏
To: 281-557-0210

You mad?😁😏

To: AugPooh😏
From: 281-557-0210

I'm not mad. Shut up but I gotta ask you a serious question.

"Okay it seems like y'all are good so I'm going to go back in my room with Giovanni." Asha said before leaving my room and closing the door behind her.

From: AugPooh😏
To: 281-557-0210

Lay it on me ma.

To: AugPooh😏
From: 281-557-0210

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